“Hm? Oh, yes. I just worry about him. I’d much rather he was sitting in an office every day.”

“I worry about him, too. But he would be miserable sitting in an office.”

“I know. He and Frankie are so different. It’s like they’re not even related.”

“Well, you did a good job with them, and they’re both doing what they love.”

She smiles at me. “And how about you, honey? How’s your career coming along?”

“Good. I love what I do, too.”

“And Mark?”

“Mark’s still trying to find a job that makes him happy.”

Link and Mark return to the kitchen, and we sit at the table to drink coffee and eat cheesecake.

Link takes a sip of coffee. “That was exhilarating.”

“Code word for really, really cold?”

He laughs. “Yeah.”

Patty sits at the table with us. “So what’s this I hear about you two going to the reunion together?”

Link shakes his head. “It’s still undecided.”

I pat his hand. “He’s going to cut his hair and shave.”

He shakes his head. “Never going to happen.” Rosie looks up at him and barks. “See, she knows.”



IseeAllyssaafew days after dinner at my parents’ house, but she’s on her way into court, so it’s more of a nod and a wave. She looks good in her power suit. Gray today with a pink blouse. Her hair is braided today, making her look younger than she is. Of course, I’d never tell her that.

The following day is my day off, and after I run a few errands, I take Rosie to the park. She’s been on duty now for a few days and she’s doing good. But by the end of the day, she starts favoring her leg. The day off will do her good.

I take a seat on a bench and Rosie lays down at my feet. The end of summer weather is nice and I’m happy to relax for a while. We both soak in the sun. But when Rosie sits and comes to attention, I look to see what caught her eye.

Four young men are standing outside of the restrooms having a loud discussion. I’m off duty, but I can intervene if I think something illegal is going on. I can call for backup, then go show them my badge, which I always have on me. But I’d rather not. So far, it just seems like they’re disagreeing about something. I continue watching them while pretending like I’m not. I tell Rosie to lie down, but she stays alert.

When the men move around a bit, I notice one of them is Allyssa’s client. I’m tempted to let things play out. If something is going down, and he is involved, I’d win the bet for sure. But the guilt sets in and I decide I at least need to let Allyssa know her guy is down here in the wrong place at the wrong time again. I watch for a few more minutes, then take out my phone and call her.

“Hey, Link.”

“Hi. Are you busy?”

“No more than usual. Why?”

“I’m at the Center Street Park, and your guy is here.”

“My guy? You mean Billy?”

“Mr. Misunderstood?”

“Yeah. Billy. Is it illegal to be at the park now?”