Mark needs an explanation, so Link gives him the details of our bet.

Mark nods. “I still vote for cheerleader Allyssa.”

Link laughs. “It’s a sure thing.”

I nudge him. “It’s not over until it’s over.”

“You keep telling yourself that.”

Dinner is great as always, and after we eat, Mark, Link, and I go outside to see the new pool.

I look at Link. “When did this happen?”

“A couple of months ago. A gift from Frank.”

“Oh, that’s sweet.” He scowls, and I add, “But totally pretentious of him. How dare he.”

“That’s better.”

Mark puts his fingers in the water. “Nice. We should’ve brought suits.”

“We can borrow shorts from my dad.”

Mark grins. “Yeah. What do you say?” He looks at me. “You can go in your underwear. We won’t judge you.”

I nearly shove him into the pool, but he dodges me with a laugh.Brothers.“I’m not swimming in my underwear in front of you and Link. I’ll watch. Besides, it’s not that warm out. You guys are going to get cold really fast.”

Link laughs. “Let’s go find something to wear.”

They leave me on the patio, and fifteen minutes later, they return. Mark is wearing swim trunks that are a bit on the tight side, and Link is wearing a pair of shorts. He looks good, and I try to concentrate on his face rather than his very nice chest.

Mark takes a running start and jumps into the deep end. He comes up with a gasp.

“Yeah. It’s c-c-cold.”

Link walks to the edge and looks at the water. He turns to Rosie and tells her to stay before jumping in with a little less enthusiasm than Mark had. He comes up out of the water and hangs on the side of the pool, then smiles at me. “Whose idea was this?”

“My crazy brother’s.”

“Oh right. You’d think I’d know better than to listen to him.” He pushes away and swims the length of the pool. Like watching him swing the bat, it’s a beautiful thing.

When they start whispering to each other and Mark glances at me, I get to my feet. “Oh, no. Don’t even think about it.” I go inside where it’s safe and find Patty in the kitchen cleaning up.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve offered to help you with the dishes.”

“It’s fine, dear. Are those boys still in the pool?”

“Yeah. But not for long. I think it’s pretty cold.”

“It’s been cooling off at night, so it’s brought the temperature down.”

A few minutes later, Mark and Link come in with towels wrapped around their shoulders.

Patty smiles at them. “You boys go get dressed and I’ll make some coffee to warm you up. I also have some cheesecake for dessert.”

Link nods. “Thanks, Mom. We’ll be back in a few.”

When Link turns his back, I see a look of concern cross Patty’s face and I touch her arm. “Is everything okay?”