“I’ll be there.”

We spend an hour catching up, then he walks me to the parking lot. “Do you want me to pick you up on Saturday?”

“Sure.” Link’s parents live a few miles out of town on some property. It makes sense to take one car.

“I’ll be there at four-thirty.”

“I’ll be ready.”

He shakes his head. “You’re never ready.”

On Saturday, I’m sure to be ready on time, and I’m waiting out front of the house when Mark pulls up.

He grins as I get into the car. “Look at you—all ready to go.”

“I told you I would be.”

He pulls onto the street. “I called Link to see if he wanted to drive with us, but he’s already there helping his dad do something on the roof.”

Thirty minutes later, we pull onto the gravel driveway and go a quarter mile to the house. Link is standing on the roof and his father, Paul, is on the ground looking up at him. Rosie is sitting next to Paul intently watching her partner. The two men look at us when we drive up and park next to Link’s truck. Rosie’s eyes remain on Link.

I go to stand next to Links’ father and pet Rosie. She breaks her concentration for a moment to acknowledge me, then resumes watching Link.

I call out to him. “Don’t fall off the roof. I don’t want my date to the reunion showing up on crutches.”

“I have no intention of falling,” he yells down to me.

Mark comes up beside me and looks up at Link. “You’re going to Allyssa’s reunion?”

Link shakes his head. “No.” He smiles at me. “But she’s going to the Halloween party at Freddie’s dressed as a cheerleader.”

Mark looks at me. “I’m confused.”

“We have a bet.”

“Oh. Okay. I hope he wins.”

“So I can embarrass myself at the Halloween party?”

“Yeah. I can’t wait.”

Paul chuckles. “I love it when you three get together.” He looks up at Link. “Come on down from there, son. We’ll finish it up next weekend.”

Link makes his way to the ladder and Mark holds it for him as he descends. Link slaps Mark on the back. “Glad you could make it.” He smiles at me. “Lyssie.”

“Lincoln Log.”

Paul chuckles again. “Let’s go inside. Patty’s waiting to see you.”

I didn’t spend as much time with Link’s parents as Mark did, but I knew them well and always enjoyed going to visit them. They had a beautiful home, having moved out of town when Link left for the Marines.

Patty greets us warmly and ushers us into the living room. “Have a seat. Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes.”

Link sits down next to me on the couch and Rosie lies at his feet. She seems to be relieved he’s back on the ground again. “How’s your client?”

“He’s fine. Are you worried?”

“No. Just asking.”