I grin. “Zombie Crashers?”

She laughs. “Yes. I wonder if your record still stands.”

“Probably not. I’m sure some other kid with nothing else to do has broken it by now.”

Allyssa cocks her head. “Are you up for a challenge? Player versus player? See who can kill the most zombies?”

“Do you think you can beat me?”

“I’m feeling fairly confident, yes.”

“As soon as I have another piece of pizza.”

I eat my fourth piece of pizza, then we head for the arcade. The game I wasted too many hours of my youth on is still there. I laugh when I see my name is still on the list of the top five scorers.

Allyssa points at it. “Still number three after ten plus years. Not bad.”

“Maybe it’s some other LMB.”

“No. That’s you.”

“Okay. Two out of three?”

“Sounds good.”

We begin playing, and it really brings me back to when we were teenagers. Back then, Allyssa was never able to beat me. And after a while, she’d stopped trying. But now, she’s doing pretty good. At the end of the first game, I beat her by a small margin.

I nudge her. “Are you sure you haven’t been coming in here and playing this?”

“I’m sure.”

“Hmm. Okay. Game two.”

The second game is closer and Allyssa pulls out a last-minute win.

I shake my head. “How is that even possible?”

“You’re out of practice.”

“I’ve been spending too much time protecting the ungrateful citizens of Piper’s Ferry.”

She puts a hand on my chest. “How confident are you that you can win the third game? We could just call it a tie and protect your ego.”

I chuckle. “Go get some more quarters.”

Allyssa takes off and returns a few minutes later with quarters. “Okay. You asked for it.” She starts to insert the quarters, then stops. “Hold on.”

“What? Chickening out?”

“No. I want to add to our wager.”

“Again? We need to start writing this down.”

“If I win this game and become the best zombie killer in Oregon, then you need to cut your hair and shave for our date to the reunion.”

“What’s wrong with my hair? And who cares if I shave or not? I haven’t been clean shaven since…I don’t know when.”

“My point exactly. If I’m going to show up with the ex-hot football jock, then I don’t want him looking like he’s been living in a cave for the last six months.”