She stands too. “What are you going to do with Rosie?”

“Leave her at the station.”

“Can I keep her for you? I’ll just be in my office all day.”

I kneel next to Rosie. “Do you want to go lay under the captain’s desk? Or Allyssa’s desk?” Rosie looks at Allyssa and barks. I stand and hand the leash to Allyssa.

“Don’t feed her any junk food.”

“I’d never.”

“And don’t let anyone pet her.”

“I know the rules.”

I nod. “Okay. I’ll come get her in a while. And I’ll see you at the ball field on Saturday.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Don’t let those middle-aged, overweight guys bully you.”

She smiles. “I won’t.”

“If you’re riding the bench Saturday, I’m going to have words with them.”

“Please don’t.”

I tuck my wallet into my pocket. “I mean it. I will.”

“Go serve and protect.”

After retrieving Rosie, I don’t see Allyssa for the rest of the week. When I arrive at the ball field on Saturday, she comes up to me with a team shirt on.

I grin. “There you go. What position are you playing?”

“Left field.”

“Okay. At least you’re on the team.”

“Is left field bad?”

“No. You just need to really chuck the ball if it comes your way.”

She nudges me. “I’m on the team, Link! I really didn’t think they’d let me actually play.”

“Yeah, well, thanks to me.”

She punches me in the shoulder. “Excuse me? You said I was hot at practice. And since you were sure to elaborate on the term, you inferred you meant I was a decent player. So, partially thanks to you. But mostly thanks to me being…hot.”

“Wow. Fine. You’re here, playing left field, because of your exceptional talents on the field.”

“Thank you.”

“And you’re hot.” I give her a sly smile.

She swings at me again, and I move out of the way. She then offers her hand. “Good luck, Officer Brandt.”

I hold her hand for a moment. “Same to you, Ms. Matheson.”