“I’m not going to spy on you to discover your strategic moves.”

“We’re practicing next week.”

“So, that’s your opportunity to show them you can hold your own.”

“Can I though?”

“If we come back out tomorrow for another couple of hours.”

We reach the bleachers and I sit by Rosie on the bottom seat while Link retrieves a small ice chest from his truck. He sits next to me, then hands me a Coke and takes out a bottle of water. He pours some in his hand and gives it to Rosie.

I watch him for a moment. “She seems to be doing pretty well.”

“Yeah. We see the vet again on Tuesday. I think he’ll release her for duty soon. Hopefully by the following week.”

“I’m sure you’ll be glad to have her back.” I take a drink. “Apparently, Mitch and Jessica are enjoying each other’s company.”

Link laughs. “He’ll have his hands full with her.”

“He kind of hinted that. He says she’s edgy and a bit scary.”

“Hmm. Yeah. That’s Jessica.” He looks at me. “I just know that from working with her. Not from anything else.”

“I didn’t ask.”But that’s nice to know.

He takes a Coke from the ice chest and takes a drink. “When’s your court date with Mr. Reliable?”

“At the end of the month. I’ve met with him twice and he’s shown up both times.”

“You mean besides the time he was in custody and didn’t have a choice?”

“That time and one other time.”

He laughs. “I think we should raise the stakes a little on our bet.”

I turn in my seat to look at him. “Okay.”

“If he shows up to court, I’ll go with you to the reunion. But if you can get the charges dismissed, I’ll go as your date.”

“My date?”

“Yeah. You can spin whatever dating history stories you want.”

I think about it for a moment. “That would get those cheerleaders talking, wouldn’t it?”

He grins. “You finally got the quarterback to go out with you.”

“This bet seems kind of one sided. What happens if my guy flakes out and doesn’t show up for court? What if you win the bet?”

“If I win, you have to wear your cheerleading outfit to the Halloween party at Freddy’s.”

Freddy’s is another hangout for law enforcement, but the lawyers hang out on occasion. And the Halloween party is the event of the year. Everyone I work with at the office and the station will be there. I’d never live down showing up in my high school uniform. Of course, Link knows this.

His grin is quite smug, and I shake my head. “That’s just mean.”

“We can just call it all off. No bet. You go to the reunion alone no matter what happens in court.”

Now that is equally as unappealing. I stick out my hand. “Consider the bet revised.”