“You’re playing?”

I try not to be insulted by his shock over the possibility. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because, as far as I know, you never have.”

I cock my head. “Neither have you.”

He grins. “Okay. I get it.He’splaying.”

“That has nothing to do with it.”

Mitch gives me a knowing look. “Well, I’ll see you at practice. We can go together.”

“No. I’d rather have my own transportation. Just in case you and Jessica hit it off again. No pun intended.” I say playfully.

He laughs. “Right. Good call.”

I get to the ball field at the park early on Saturday and am sitting on the bleachers when Link arrives with Rosie. I go to meet them.

He smiles. “Anxious to get started?”

“I just misjudged the time.” I kneel and pet Rosie. “How’s my pretty girl?” Rosie moans as I pet her. “Are you starved for love? Does your mean old partner ignore you?”

“I’ve been letting her sleep with me, which goes against all of her training.”

“Aww. He does love you.”

“If you two are done, can we get to baseball?”

I stand, and Link tells Rosie to go lay by the bleachers, then he opens the canvas bag he has and takes out a bat, two gloves, and several balls.

He hands me a glove. “You know the basics, right?”

“Hit the ball as far as you can.”

“Let’s start with just hitting the ball.” He chuckles.


He looks at my outfit, which is jogging pants and a tank top. “You’re so…sporty.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing. I’m just making an observation.”

As I pull my hair back and secure it with an elastic band, I look at his jeans and T-shirt. “I thought you’d be in tight little knickers and knee socks.”

“They don’t wear knickers anymore. Can we move past the fashion critique?”

“You started it.” I shrug.

He clears his throat and hands me a mitt. “Let’s throw some balls first.” He backs up about fifteen feet. “You ready?”

I slap my mitt. “Let’s see what you’ve got, officer.”

We spend fifteen minutes tossing the ball back and forth. My throwing and catching seems to be acceptable to him, but I figure he’s taking it easy on me. When he catches a ball, then jogs back to me, I smile.

“You’re babying me.”