He turns and looks at me. “Never?”

The doors open and I step out of the elevator without answering him. Of course, I never thought about dating Allyssa. She’s my best friend’s sister. She’s like my little sister. I like spending time with her. Hanging out. Having fun. The concert was great. She’s funny. And super smart. And she’s grown into a beautiful woman. But dating? No. Never.And now you’re lying to yourself.

We get to the car and Ted looks at me over the top of it. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“I never considered dating Allyssa.”

“Officer Brandt. I don’t believe you.”

He is right to not believe me. Over the years, I’ve thought about it. More in high school, then of late. Back then is when I should’ve made my move. It would’ve been a lot less complicated. Now that we are adults, it’ll just be messy. I don’t like messy. And I don’t want to risk losing my friend.



I’mlookingforwardtospending time with Link tomorrow at the park. It seems like we’ve been running into each other more often lately. But I don’t mind. It’s been nice. I enjoy spending time with him. In fact, I’d rather spend time with him than anyone else. I’m not sure what that means. But I’ll try not to think about it too much. Link is a good friend. Nothing more.

Mitch has been steering clear of me all week. Which is fine. The concert non-date was weird. But I’m glad it turned out the way it did. I’m curious about how it went with Jessica, though. When I see him walk by my office, I call to him.

“Hey, stranger.”

He stops and comes back to the door. “Hey. I figured you might be mad at me for ditching you. It was kind of a jerk move.”

“I’m not mad. How’s that going? Have you seen her again?”

He grins and comes into my office, closing the door behind him. “Oh my. A closed-door conversation. It must be going well.”

He leans back in the chair and crosses his legs. “She’s amazing.”

I laugh. “Amazing, huh?”

“Yeah. A little scary. But mostly amazing.”

“Scary how? Does she bring her gun with her?”

He laughs. “No. She’s just so…edgy.”

I cock my head. “Mitch steps out into the wild side.”

He nods. “Yeah. I assume you got home okay with your bestie?”

“Yes. We went to the coffee shop down the street, then he took me home. Not scary or amazing. But nice.”

“Good. So the big game’s coming up. Jessica is playing.”

I smile. “So, that means you are too.”

“Of course. We start practice next week.”


“Yeah. We can’t just show up on game day. We’re going to take the cops down again this year.”

“When is practice?”

“Tuesday and Thursday at seven.” He raises an eyebrow. “Why?”

“I don’t want to miss it.”