“And you’re going to let them get away with that?”

She smiles at me. “I shouldn’t.”

“No. You shouldn’t. You’re still in shape, right? I mean…you look like you’re in shape.” I run my hands through my hair.Nice Link, real nice.

She shakes her head and I believe I detect a blush, which I find interesting. “I try. I run. I go to the gym occasionally.”

I point at her. “You need to show those boys what’s what.”

“I just might.”

“Do it.”

“I’ve never played much baseball, though. Only in PE class—ten years ago.” She raises an eyebrow. “Maybe you could give me a few baseball lessons.”

I laugh. “Sure. I can do that. We can work on your swing. Play some catch.”

“Sounds fun.”

“This Saturday? Two o’clock at the park?”

“Can you bring Rosie? I miss her.”

“Sure. I think she’ll be ready to get outside by then.”

Allyssa glances down the hall. “How’s it going with Ted?”

I sigh deeply. “He’s harmless, I guess. But we haven’t seen much action. It’s been kind of slow.”

“That’s a good thing, right?”

“I suppose. Did you tell Mark all about the concert?”

She laughs. “Yes, he was so jealous.”

“I texted him about it. But he never got back to me.”

“Yeah. He has a problem with that.”

I spot Ted coming down the hall with the files in his hand, and as he gets to us, I touch Allyssa’s arm.

“So, I’ll see you Saturday.”

“I’ll be there.”

Ted and I get into the elevator, and as the doors close, he looks at me.

“How long have you been dating her?”

“Dating? We’re not dating. Friends. Longtime friends.”Why am I so bothered by his question?

“Hmm. Okay.”

“No. Really. I’ve known her since grade school.”

He shakes his head. “But you want to date her.”

“No. It’s never crossed my mind.”Liar, liar, pants on fire.