Page 69 of Venom and Bind

A satisfied smile spread across his face as he spoke into the walkie. “Bring her to me. Alive.”

I took a step closer, his eyes narrowing at me as he backed up slightly.

That’s right, you coward. It’s over for you now.

Just another few feet and I would plunge this knife into his cold, dead heart.

He looked over my shoulder, his eyes lighting up. “Afraid your rescue party hasn’t worked out, Blackwood.” He nodded over my shoulder.

I snapped my head around, my jaw clenching as Orin and Valik shuffled down the hall with their hands raised. A large bloodstain was forming on Orin’s shoulder. His face twisted in pain as one of Goodacre’s men pushed them forward until they were both on their knees just a few feet away from me.

“They killed Login and Misha,” the guard said, aiming his gun at Orin’s head. “But I got them.”

“I’m sorry, Cian,” Orin hissed as his hand pressed against his shoulder.

I shook my head, swallowing the lump in my throat. Fuck that. I knew that Orin—hell, all of my men—had done all they could. We had been outnumbered. Outgunned. I just hoped that Harvey or Eros were still out there, ready to come in with guns blazing. This wasn’t over. We were not giving up that easily. Goodacre would have to put a bullet through my skull before I ever stopped fighting to protect my family.

“Game’s over. I win.” Goodacre laughed, his voice sending chills up my spine.

Valik glanced at the shotgun a few feet away from him and then back to me. His jaw clenched as he turned his body ever so slightly to let me know exactly what he had planned.

“Like hell you do.” I reached my arm behind my back and pulled out my knife.

It was time to end this.

I turned, ready to throw the knife between his eyes, but Goodacre aimed his gun at me. He pulled the trigger before I even had a second to react. A pain I was far too familiar with exploded through my abdomen, and I dropped to one knee, still gripping my knife with such force my knuckles turned white. Blood gushed from the wound, and I grunted as I dropped to the other knee, my chest heaving.

He would not win. Not this time.

My eyes narrowed as he stood above me, the gun pointed at my forehead. “It’s not a lethal shot, Blackwood. I’m not letting you off that easy.”

I roared and lifted my arm, ready to gut him like the pig he was. He whipped his hand back, the butt of the gun striking me in my head.

And then darkness.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I moved the curtains and peeked around them, trying to stay out of the light the moon was casting over the resort. “Guys, come look,” I whispered, and lowered the binoculars I had swiped off the dead guy in the kitchen.

Kaviathin came over and grabbed the binoculars from my hand, peered through them. Ryzen’s truck was now parked in front of the cabin Milliani had been staying in, about one hundred and fifty feet away. A dim light was shining through the window, smoke billowing out of the chimney. Kaviathin pushed me back gently away from the window.

“There are three guards out front, but more could be inside,” he murmured and passed the binoculars to Thora.

Ryzen had to be in there, and my heart sank when I realized that probably so was Cian. God, what sort of sadistic shit was Ryzen going to do to him? No, I couldn’t think like that. We were getting out of here, but not before I put a bullet right through Ryzen’s head.

“They know we’re in here. They’re waiting for us,” Thora muttered.

“We need a plan.” I went back to the kitchen and picked up a rifle off one of the dead man’s bodies, the weight heavy in my arms. This was beyond any of my capabilities as far as weapons went. I had only used the .22 Cian had given me, and I didn’t trust that I wouldn’t blow off my arm with this thing. I handed it to Kaviathin as Althazair came downstairs with another gun.

“Look what I found.” He held up a grenade, a twisted smile on his face.

“No.” My eyes widened at the object. “No fucking way. Cian is out there, probably trapped in that house with Ryzen. We can’t hurt him.”

Kaviathin nodded and Althazair scowled, sticking the grenade in his pocket.

“We can’t just walk up to the door. Granted, they are definitely waiting for us. But the more men we can take out by surprise, the better.” Thora tapped her lips as if thinking of something.