Page 5 of Venom and Bind

Sophie’s face turned so red that we all burst out laughing.

“Thora, give her a break.” Juliet giggled and headed into our office. “Let’s go over the next quarter’s budget and let Sophie cool down.”

The morning went by in a blur of phone calls and budget strategy meetings. It was such a contrast from last year, and Jules and I were learning so much now that we were making six figures monthly. Our storefront was bursting with customers, and we had hired two more sales associates just last week. Owen had done an amazing job revamping our website with high-quality photos and a user-friendly shopping experience. We could even start offering speedy and discreet packaging, which our customers loved, not to mention the large wholesale orders from Madam Orgo. It was utter chaos, but the best kind. There were days I missed it just being me and Juliet in our cramped apartment with our whiteboard of ideas and late-night wine sessions, but as I looked around the room with smiling faces, I knew I wouldn’t change anything.

I leaned back in my chair and put my feet on the edge of my desk, mirroring Jules. “Thora, any more sign-ups for the rage ritual?”

“Oh, my God, we have close to a hundred people now. I can’t believe it.” She clapped her hands and whistled. “We might have to make this a monthly thing.”

“Well, I’ve got plenty of rage to get out, so count me in.” I snickered and looked down at the flyer on top of my desk.

Thora had come up with this brilliant idea after she had seen the rage yard behind our old office. It was a junkyard filled with old cars and electronics where Juliet and I would bash things with a baseball bat to let out our frustrations.

Thora had been all for it, explaining that it was a healthy way to release our anger. She’d taken us out into the woods, and instead of baseball bats, we used thick tree branches to beat anything and everything in sight. It had been weird at first, but Thora had encouraged me and Jules to scream, yell, cry, let it all out, and we had. And you know what? She was right. Punching a pile of soft dirt while screaming at the top of your lungs and covered in mud was not only therapeutic, it was also enlightening. Plus, our arms hurt a lot less hitting stuff out in the woods versus standing on the roof of a broken-down car bashing the windshield in with a crowbar.

It was a very vulnerable experience, and I loved it. We’d posted a signup sheet down in the store, and people were way into it.

“Hey, what happened the other night with your date? The accountant?”

Thora scrunched up her nose and shrugged. “It was OK. He’s very vanilla. I have a feeling his favorite position is missionary.” She chuckled. “We’re going out again tonight to that Italian place Sophie mentioned. If it doesn’t work out, at least I have a backup to help me with my taxes.”

I covered my mouth to stop my laughter. Leave it to Thora to find a bright side to a lousy date. My phone pinged, and I pulled it out to see a text from Cian.

How’s my dirty girl doing at work?

I nibbled on my bottom lip and squeezed my thighs together. One brief sentence was all it took for me to switch from business mode to “yes, Daddy” mode.

Why, Mr. Blackwood, is that any way to speak to a respectable businesswoman?

Hmm, you didn’t seem to mind last night when you were begging me to fill you up with my come, Mrs. Blackwood.

Mrs. Blackwood. My heart fluttered in my chest at the name. Seeing that name on the screen like that made it so much more real. I was so ready to marry him. Nothing was going to stop me from making him mine forever.

Touché. Meet me in the warehouse at twenty? I’ve got a session with Dr. Loomis at three, so we have to be quick.

I’m already pulling into the parking lot, love.

I danced in my chair and cleared my throat. “Um, I’ll be back, guys. I have to check some things out in the warehouse.”

Juliet raised her eyebrow and smirked. “Oh, let me guess. Cian’s going to help you?”

Thora groaned, and I shrugged one shoulder. “No, no, just, um… if you need me for anything, no, you don’t.”

I bounced down the steps and let Valik know I would be out in the warehouse for a bit. He had the same knowing look on his face that Juliet had, and my cheeks grew warm as he laughed. Milliani watched me with a curious look on her face, but I just waved and went out the back door.

Cian leaned against his car, arms crossed against his chest. The sun beamed down on him, reflecting off his golden-brown hair. He was wearing dark gray slacks and a matching button-up that clung to his biceps, his tie loosened slightly. Fuck, he was so damn hot like that. He lowered his sunglasses when I got closer and winked.

“Couldn’t stay away from me?” I teased as he wrapped me in his arms.

“You know I can’t.” He lifted my legs up and I wrapped them around his waist. “I would chain you to my desk if I could.” He walked us towards the back of the warehouse, where there was a small office setup for impromptu meetings—well, impromptu fuck sessions at this point.

He sat me on the edge of the desk and stayed between my spread legs. I wrapped his tie around my fist and tugged his head down close. “You want to chain me up, Mr. Blackwood? Have your dirty way with me?” I kissed along his jaw and up his cheek, his hands gripping my thighs open. “Is that what you want?” I bit down on his earlobe.

“Yes,” he growled and pressed into me, making me gasp. “You’re all mine.”

“Then show me,” I whispered into his ear.
