Page 58 of Venom and Bind

She turned, her eyes softening as she glanced between me and Cian. “Ah, you must be the lovely couple. Congratulations.” She bowed, and I covered my mouth to stop my laughter. I thought I liked her already. “Sorry to interrupt your little party, but I’ll be out of your hair shortly.”

“Yes, she will.” Orin’s shoulders sagged. “Look, sorry, guys. I picked her up on my way here, but tomorrow I’m taking her down to the sheriffs and letting them deal with her. You know I wouldn’t miss your wedding for the world.” He grinned, as if that was supposed to make it OK.

“For God’s sake, Orin, do you really have to handcuff her inside? She’s not going anywhere.” Thora laughed and tightened her robe around herself.

“She’s a dangerous fugitive.” He narrowed his eyes at Elsie. “And she attacked me several times already.”

“He deserved it.” Elsie bounced from foot to foot. “Look, it’s cold as fuck. Can I at least get some damn socks?”

Orin huffed, and dragged her by her handcuffs down the hall. “I’ll be back, guys.” He headed up the stairs, taking her along with him.

“Nice to meet y’all.” She tried to wave, but Orin just yanked her up the stairs.

Sophie and Juliet whispered to each other, giggling, and we all headed to the living area.

“That was weird.” I giggled as Cian picked me up in his arms and carried me over to the fireplace.

“You never know what you’re getting into with the Blackwood clan.” He chuckled as he laid me down and placed my feet in his lap, massaging them gently.

Elsie could be heard yelling at Orin from upstairs, and the room broke out in laughter. She was a definite spitfire. What had he said? She’d stolen millions of dollars from her ex-husband? Hmph, good for her.

Cian worked his magic hands on my feet, then worked his way up my calves, making me moan out.

“Hey, do me next.” Valik propped his feet on the edge of the couch and we both grumbled.

“Shut up, you big moose,” I laughed and rolled onto my side.

We spent the rest of the night curled around the fireplace, talking and drinking way too much. Orin came back downstairs a while later, the cut above his eye bandaged up. I hoped that was the only wild thing that was going to happen before the wedding and crossed my fingers that everything would go off without a hitch.

But you know what they say about best-laid plans.

Chapter Twenty


One by one, everyone trickled into the dining room for breakfast the next morning. The result of last night’s drinking took its toll on some harder than others. Valik leaned back in his chair with his sunglasses on, arms crossed over his chest as Eros waved a breakfast sausage in his face.

“Ugh, that smells terrible.” Valik groaned and turned away from him.

“You gonna chicken out on me now? Last night you swore you could beat me on the snowmobile.” Eros chuckled and took a big bite out of the sausage.

Sophie and Juliet came down and grabbed plates of food, while Thora and Felix wandered in soon after. He was awfully quiet and seemed nervous. I couldn’t tell if that was just his demeanor or if all these big bulky men made him feel uncomfortable, since he was on the slimmer side.

Cian fed me forkfuls of French toast, not being bashful about licking the syrup from the side of my lips, making everyone groan. We were getting married tomorrow, and I was counting down the hours. We wanted everything to be laid back and fun. No pressure, no crazy wedding planners running around or extra staff frantically serving guests. Later today, we girls were going to decorate the main room to prepare for tomorrow. The room itself sat in the front of the house and had floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the whole resort, with a giant fireplace and a decorated Christmas tree that had to be over twenty feet tall.

I turned my head towards the hall as two people came closer, bickering. Orin walked in with Elsie behind him, her hands still in handcuffs. She was technically a criminal, a fugitive, like he had said. But there was something about her that was… soft, and not threatening whatsoever.

“Orin.” I put my hands on my hips. “Are you really going to make her eat with handcuffs on?”

“Absolutely,” he said, not missing a beat.

Elsie winked at me, and I grinned as he pushed her down in her seat and went to grab food.

“So, Elsie.” Juliet turned towards her. “Is it true you stole millions of dollars from your husband?”

Elsie leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table. “Ex-husband. Nasty fucker who likes to beat up women.”

“Oh, crap.” Juliet put her fork down and scrunched up her nose. “I’m sorry to hear that.”