Page 47 of Venom and Bind

“Coming right up.” I checked my watch, the anticipation of waiting for Delove already kicking in. But while we waited, I needed to talk to Thora.

“Hey, Thora, can you come help me with something on the terrace?” I whispered to her as everyone went about getting coffee poured and pastries distributed. Valik tried to take three, and Juliet smacked his hand.

The crisp air washed over me, and I took a deep breath in, extending my arms over my head.

“I’ll never tire of this view.” She smiled and leaned over the railing. “This would be a glorious spot for morning yoga. We should try it at sunrise.”

Ah, trying to deflect already. “Um, let’s stick with the sunrise meditations for now.” I grinned. “Cian and I have a ‘no secrets’ policy, and I think that needs to extend to the rest of the Blackwoods. So, spill it.”

She squeezed her eyes shut and rested her chin on the railing. “There’s nothing to really spill. I’ve got it under control.”

“Got what under control, exactly?” She was quiet for a moment, and I hated what I was going to have to do next, but I knew it would get her to talk. “Don’t make me go get your brothers.”

Her eyes snapped open, and she faced me, her mouth hanging open. “Oh, God, no. Hold on, let me just gather my thoughts.” She sighed.

“The card. What did that mean? Was it from Kaviathin?” The thought was almost too odd to comprehend. How? Why? And what the actual hell?

“I don’t know.” She shook her head and looked out over Lake Michigan. “Look, I think he’s been following me, but I wasn’t sure.”

“What!” I gasped, a chill going down my spine.

“Keep your voice down.” She grabbed my arm and tugged me closer to her. “I don’t know for certain. Twice I’ve been out with Felix, the accountant, and Kaviathin’s shown up at the same restaurant. Another time I was meditating in the park, and I thought I saw him drive past. These could all be coincidences, so I didn’t want to tell you guys and freak you out.”

Oh, fuck. If Cian found out about this, he would destroy Kaviathin. If there was even a hint of anything slightly suspicious, it was over. Cian would kill him this time, I was sure of it.

“Look, I see those wheels spinning in those big blue eyes of yours, and let me just stop you right there. I’m sure it’s nothing. Kaviathin hasn’t said one single word to me or tried to approach me at any point. If anything, he was looking at me like I was a weirdo for being in the same place as him two times in a row.”

“You’re sure there’s nothing else going on here?” Thora and Kaviathin? No way. Talk about opposites to the extreme. It wasn’t even a remote possibility. I mean, he had shot her brother, and Cian had shot his… well, technically Cian’s half-brother as well, but nobody else knew about that little soap opera.

“I’m sure.” Her shoulders sagged, and she searched my face. “Don’t tell Cian. Not yet. Let me be the one to tell him, but only if it happens one more time. Agreed?” She squeezed my hand tightly.

Oh, joy, keeping another secret from Cian. That never ended well. I let out a bone-weary sigh and squeezed her hand back. “OK, fine. But if it happens again, tell him. And make sure you carry your gun.”

She scoffed and raised her eyebrows. “When am I ever without a gun?”

Cian slid the terrace door open and held up his phone. Delove’s name flashed across it, and we rushed back inside.

“This is Blackwood.” Cian’s voice was low, controlled, but I knew he was just as anxious as the rest of us. He laid his phone on the table and we all stood around it in a circle, staring. Waiting.

“Cian, sorry to call you so early, but I’ve got news.” Delove’s voice echoed through the speaker.

Cian wrapped his arm around me, pulling me to him so my back was pressed against his chest. My heart was beating so fast, I thought it might explode right out of my chest. This was it. This was the moment we all had been waiting for.

“It’s him, Cian. The teeth matched the records his dentist provided. And just so you have no doubt, there was a distinct silver filling that sealed the deal. Ryzen Goodacre is officially deceased.”

The room erupted with cheers, and I turned in Cian’s arms, tears falling down my cheeks. It was finally over. That son of a bitch was fucking dead and could never hurt another person again. Cian cradled my face in his palms, wiping my tears away.

“It’s over, little star.” His voice was laced with emotion.

Delove cleared his throat, and the room quieted down. “Glad to see that I’m the bearer of great news. However, the question remains who shot him, then burned the van with him inside. I’ll keep you posted.” A second later, the line went dead.

Everyone gathered around and squeezed us into a big group hug. Sniffles came from all around me, and I couldn’t describe the feelings coursing through my body.

It was done.

My nightmare was finally over.

After everyone left, Cian sat on the couch and patted his thigh, motioning for me to come to him. I slid into his lap, wrapping my arms around him. His eyes caressed me slowly, a mixture of amber and green. God, he was so fucking beautiful. I weaved my fingers through his hair and sighed. “I can’t believe it’s finally over,” I whispered.