Page 42 of Venom and Bind

His jaw tensed. “I know, you’re right. I just wish I had been there.”

“Don’t beat yourself up.” I rubbed my hand over his back. He was rigid, tension radiating off him. My words could offer little solace for the torture he was putting himself through. But I knew better than anyone that he had to nip that guilt in the bud right away, or it was bound to eat him up. “Listen, don’t let this get to you, OK? Then Ryzen wins. And we can’t have that.”

His eyes glistened, and he nodded. “You’re right. I will not let him win, not again. The next time I see him, he’s fucking dead.”

I hoped so. There was only so much more of this that I could take. I was ready to live my life, not hide away, afraid of my own shadow.


It was the night of the gala and I had been on pins and needles all week. It wasn’t fear that made my heart race, but hope. Hope that this would finally all be over.

Milliani had been released from the hospital a few days ago and sent home. As far as I knew, Kaviathin was keeping her under a tight watch and wouldn’t allow Valik to see her. I’d overheard him on the phone with her as we drove to work, letting her know that tonight was the night we were going to catch Ryzen once and for all. When he’d hung up, he’d said she was doing better and in good spirits. She didn’t want to talk about the attack, and hell, I couldn’t blame her. The last thing I would want to think about was being cornered in a dark alley while someone tried to strangle me to death. She just wanted to move on and put it in the past, which we would all be happy to help her do.

Cian looked ravishing in his tuxedo, and I had to stop myself from trying to rip it off of him when he stepped out of our bedroom. He pinned a black rose to my red ballgown and leaned down to kiss me. For all the bad that had been happening over the last few weeks, I was happy that we were getting to celebrate Cian tonight, even if Ryzen being out there ready to attack was on the forefront of all our minds.

Everyone was coming tonight to support Cian, and also as backup in case we needed it. Eros, Orin, Thora and Juliet were to meet us inside the Art Gallery. Harvey and a few extra guards Cian had hired were to spread out into the crowd, keeping their eyes and ears open.

The museum was dazzling and had transformed itself into a magnificent ballroom for the event that night. We checked in and received our materials and then walked into the main room. I was on edge as Cian gripped my hand in his, my eyes searching all around the room for any sign of Ryzen. I had to remain calm, though. We didn’t even know if he was going to show up. The butterflies in my stomach slowed slightly as I recognized Harvey and some of the other guards blending into the crowd.

Servers in black and white uniforms were everywhere, passing out flutes of champagne. Cian grabbed two glasses and handed me one, clinking his against mine.

“Don’t be nervous, little star,” he murmured in my ear, making my skin flush. “I’m right here. Nothing is going to happen to you.”

I gazed into his dark eyes, trusting him with not only my safety, but with my heart. “Thank you, Daddy.” I winked and pressed my lips to his, instantly feeling better.

A server walked up with a plate of hors d’oeuvres and held it out to us. “No sign of Goodacre,” he whispered before dipping back into the crowd. Delove had said his team of undercover agents would be all over the building, but I hadn’t realized they would be posing as wait staff. I gazed around the room, unable to tell who was a federal agent and who was just a regular person. Which was good, because if I couldn’t tell, then maybe Ryzen wouldn’t be able to either.

We found our group standing near the bar, because of course they were. Juliet gripped me in a hug and patted her purse, letting me know she had her gun with her. So did I. I wasn’t taking any chances.

Guests mingled around us, chatting as an orchestra played soft music up on stage. The women wore elegant colorful gowns that swished across the marble floors, some of them wearing jewelry around their neck the size of my fist. I felt completely out of place, like I was in a world that I didn’t fit into. But anywhere Cian belonged, so did I; I would make sure of it.

Lexi Poppins came on stage a few minutes later and gave a great welcome speech to the crowd, expressing her gratitude for everyone who could make the night possible. Cian wasn’t the only one winning an award tonight. There were several other real estate professionals being honored for their contributions, including a leadership award and a cultural patronage award. Lexi pointed to different areas around the museum, letting us know there were several events going on at once, including a raffle and a silent auction. Cian had donated a luxurious weekend getaway to his lodging cabins in Montana, while others had boat trips or unique art pieces up for grabs.

Thora stared in awe at a dark, ominous painting that was over ten feet tall and six feet wide, her hand flying to her chest as she looked it over. “Wow, this is stunning. You can feel the pain the artist was going through when they painted this. Oooh, I want it.” She peered down at the starting bid and cackled.

“How much is it?” Juliet chuckled, her eyes widening. “Holy shit, the suggested bid is one hundred thousand.”

“How about one hundred dollars?” Thora grinned and wrote the amount, along with her name, and stuffed it into the auction box.

I burst into laughter and leaned over the bar top to get the bartender’s attention. She came over and I ordered a whiskey for Cian and a red wine for myself. She handed them over, along with a napkin, and I gazed down at the writing.

All clear outside, but be alert. The night is young.

The bartender gave me a thumbs-up, and I offered a small smile. Damn, Delove hadn’t been joking when he said he had it covered inside. I was impressed. Maybe he wouldn’t fuck everything up this time.

We sat down for dinner, with Cian on my left and Thora on my right, then Juliet, Orin and Eros sitting across from us. Everyone appeared casual and made light conversation, but I knew what we were all thinking as their eyes darted around the room. Cian stroked my thigh under the table, and I relaxed.

The next hour went by in a frenzy of dinner plates and speeches. The keynote speaker took to the stage and gave a speech highlighting the contributions the award winners had made to the community. When they announced Cian’s name as the winner not only of the visionary award but also of the technological innovation award, the room exploded in applause. We all stood clapping for him, and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply, which made the crowd cheer even louder. He walked to the stage and gave an amazing speech, my eyes tearing up at how powerful his words were. He deserved this so much, and I was so damn proud of him. Nothing could stop him, not Ryzen or anyone who had ever doubted him in the past. He was the future of real estate in this city.

The minutes ticked by, and I was getting more and more anxious as I realized Ryzen might not try to show his face tonight. I had mixed feelings about the whole thing. On the one hand, I wanted him to show up so we could put an end to this. On the other, what if he showed up and managed to hurt someone and got away?Again.

Cian and I danced across the ballroom floor, Eros and Orin dancing with Thora and Juliet close around us. To all the guests, we looked like normal couples, laughing and having a good time. But little did they know we were all carrying guns, and one hundred percent ready to use them.

Lexi Poppins got back on the stage a while later and announced the winners of the silent auction. A young couple won Cian’s weekend getaway, the woman jumping up and down in excitement. When it came time to announce the winner of the painting Thora wanted, she pouted her lips as she stared at it on stage.

“This is quite the exquisite piece we have here, and I know a lot of you had your eyes on this one tonight.” Lexi beamed and held the envelope up as the crowd murmured to each other. “And the winning bid goes to…” She ripped the envelope open as the crowd grew silent. “Thora Blackwood!” Lexi clapped and waved her arm at the crowd. “Come on up.”

Juliet, Thora and I all looked at each other, our mouths hanging open. Oh, fuck, had they made a mistake? I had seen Thora write one hundred dollars. There was no way in hell that was the winning bid, not when I had seen person after person drop bids into the auction box.