Page 74 of Whisper

“Hey, that’s understandable,” Grayson said gently, wrapping an arm around me. “But you’re strong, Sofia. We all are.”

“Thanks, Grayson,” I murmured, appreciating his care and support. “Where’s Victor?”

“Still in the hospital,” Grayson said. “Doing better than expected, though. Do you want to go see him?”

I nodded. “Yes, absolutely,” I replied.

We made our way into the hospital, navigating the sterile hallways until we reached Victor’s room. He was lying in the bed, his eyes closed and his chest rising and falling with each breath. I felt a pang of guilt at the sight, knowing that looking for the Viper was what had landed him here.

Grayson stepped forward, checking the monitors and IV bags by Victor’s bedside. “I have no idea what this is. But yeah, he’s stable,” he said after a moment, turning to face us. “He’ll be okay.”

Teo laughed. “Fucking thankfully.”

Victor’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of my voice, and he offered me a weak smile. “Hey,” he rasped.

“Hey yourself,” I said, pulling up a chair beside the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Been better,” he said, wincing slightly as he shifted in the bed. “But I’ll be back on my feet soon enough.”

“Good,” I replied. “We need you, Victor. We all do.”

He chuckled softly, despite the pain it must have caused. “Don’t worry, Sofia. It’ll take more than a car to keep me down for good.”

“Is that what happened?” Teo asked.

“Yeah, we were boxed in and I tried running, but one of them spotted me,” he said. “I managed to take down a few of them, but then they hit me with their car. Next thing I knew, Jace was dragging me into the hospital.”

Teo’s jaw clenched at the mention of Victor being hit by a car. He took a deep breath, his grip on my shoulder tightening slightly. “Those motherfuckers,” he muttered. “We’ll make them pay for what they did to you.”

“Sure, a plan sounds like a good idea,” I said. “Right now, you need to rest, okay? And you need to promise me that you’re going to get better.”

“I promise,” Victor said.

“Long story,” Teo said. “Don’t worry about that for now, Vic. We’ll figure it out later, when you’re out of this bed. Right now, Sofia is right. You need to rest.”

As I watched him close his eyes and drift off to sleep, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards him. He was a member of our team, and we would always have each other’s backs.

Turning to leave the room, I noticed the rest of my team waiting for me in the hallway. Jace was fiddling with his phone, Grayson was deep in thought, and Teo was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, looking like a fierce protector.

“Where’s Sam?” I asked.

“Getting coffee,” Teo replied. He had washed his face and hands, but I could still see the remnants of blood on his shirt. His hair was still damp from the water in the bathroom. He looked even more striking with his hair slicked back. “He’ll be back soon.”

They all looked like shit; bruised, cut, tired. I probably didn’t look much better. But still, they stood tall and strong, a force to be reckoned with.

They all looked like shit; bruised, cut, tired. I probably didn’t look much better. But still, they stood tall and strong, a force to be reckoned with. As we made our way out of the hospital, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with everything that had happened. The Viper was still out there, and we were running out of time. But for a moment, as we stepped outside into the warm sunshine as dawn broke, everything felt peaceful. It was fleeting, but it was enough to remind me that there was still beauty in this world, despite all the darkness.

“Okay,” Grayson said, breaking the silence as we walked towards our cars. “We need to figure out our next move.”

“Our next move is going back home,” Teo said. “Getting some sleep. Making sure Victor is ready. And then...”

Teo trailed off, a menacing glint in his eyes.

“And then what?” I asked. I didn’t need to, I just wanted to hear it.

“And then we take down the Viper,” Teo said, his voice low and dangerous. “We’ll make sure he never hurts anyone again.”
