Page 69 of Whisper

Miranda Olivier had served my needs well so far. She was malleable and it was easy to talk her into things. She really did think she was about to have a huge break investigating Sofia.

She didn’t realize that she was about to be the news.

She smelled like mud and sweat when I walked into the room I threw her in. It’s a little bedroom that I always use for kills. She didn’t know that but I wouldn’t be surprised if she could smell the acrid scent of blood in the air.

“Here,” I said, sliding a new phone toward her. I had this planned and now that it seemed to be happening, I couldn’t believe how smoothly it was going. I still needed to find my children, but that could wait. For now, this was important. “Log into your social media accounts.”

Miranda’s eyes widened. “What? Why?”

“You wanted people to know the truth about the Viper, and Sofia Reyes, and all of that,” I said. “I’ll help you.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I want to,” I said. “Login. Do it.”

She did as I told her, her hands trembling. I saw her gaze dart around the room as if she was trying to figure out a way to escape. There was no way, but this was always one of my favorite parts.

As the realization that there was no escape to be had dawned on them, it made things a little more…interesting.

“Are you logged in?” I asked her.

“Yeah,” she replied.

“Good. Can you go live?”

Her eyes widened. “What? What for?”

I glared at her, and she pressed a few buttons on the screen before she looked up at me. “There,” she said. “We’re live now.”

“Good,” I replied. “Greet your followers, okay? Fill them in.”

She opened her mouth to argue with me but clamped it shut once she saw the look on my face. As she started explaining, I walked up behind her and waited until people started to watch her stream. I only needed a few.

When she picked up her head to look at me, I gave her a smile.

“Thanks for all your help, Miranda,” I said. I got close to her, grabbed the back of her neck, and smiled at her from behind my mask.

Then I raised my blade up to her pretty face, letting her see it before I slashed her throat.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Jace

AsIsatinthe driver’s seat of the car, my hands gripping the wheel tight, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was making a mistake. Leaving Grayson and Sam behind at the hospital felt like abandoning them, but I knew I had no other choice. Teo and Sofia were out there somewhere, and I had to find them.

Now that Victor was out of immediate danger, I had to focus on helping the people we had left behind. I would do anything to protect them, especially Sofia. She had this way of making me feel alive, even in the darkest moments. I needed her safe just as much as I needed air to breathe.

“Please be okay,” I whispered under my breath, turning the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life.

Grayson and Sam would go check on Victor while I looked for Teo and Sofia back in the swamps of the Everglades, just like I had promised. I had no idea where they were, exactly, and the expanse of the area was more than a little intimidating.

But I wasn’t going to give up that easily. I was determined to find her, even if it meant risking my own life. I had been through tough situations before, and I knew I could handle anything that came my way.

And I had one advantage that the others didn’t - my tech skills. I had managed to hack into the GPS on Teo’s phone before he left, and I knew exactly where they were heading. As long as Teo kept his phone on him, I would be able to find them.

The sound of tires screeching against dirt echoed in my ears, drowning out every other thought as I raced along the empty streets and backroads. I felt nauseous, pushing the thought of Victor’s limp body out of my mind. There was nothing I could do about him now.

I couldn’t shake the image of what might be happening to them right now, especially Sofia. My beautiful, strong Sofia. If anything happened to her, I’d never forgive myself.

Just then, my phone, which was connected to the screen on the car, chimed with a notification, demanding my attention.