Page 66 of Whisper

“Watch me,” I growled under my breath, fueled mostly by anger. My body felt like it was on fire, sweat dripping down my face and my muscles aching, but I refused to surrender.

“Almost there,” I thought, spotting a dense thicket ahead that would provide temporary cover. “Just a little farther.”

Teo, please be okay,I prayed silently.

As I sprinted through the underbrush, my heart raced in time with the distant sound of gunfire. I went to grab my gun, but of course it wasn’t there. I stumbled over roots and pushed past branches that clawed at my skin. I had to stay focused, to trust that Teo could hold them off while I found a way out.

“Damn it!” I cursed under my breath when a particularly stubborn thorn snagged my sleeve, tearing the fabric. The pain was nothing compared to the overwhelming weight of guilt and fear for the others. We were supposed to stick together, but here I was, running like a hunted animal while Teo faced danger head-on.

“Keep moving,” I said, desperately trying to ignore the urge to turn back. “They’re counting on you.”

“Your boyfriend can’t save you now, sweetheart!” someone called out from behind me, and I fought the urge to scream. They were getting closer, their footsteps crunching through the leaves and snapping twigs as they pursued me.

Stay low, I told myself, dropping into a crouch as I continued forward, my senses heightened as I tried to navigate the unfamiliar terrain. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig sent a jolt of adrenaline surging through me.

I stumbled through the underbrush, heart pounding in my chest as I tried to focus on the sound of my own breathing. The forest was a maze of shadows and whispers, making it impossible to discern whether the rustling leaves were from an approaching enemy or just the wind.

“Stay calm, Sofia,” I told myself, fighting the urge to panic. I was vaguely aware that tears were staining my cheeks. “You can do this.”

The adrenaline coursing through my veins fueled my resolve, pushing me to keep moving despite the fear and uncertainty. Teo had done his part, creating a diversion to give me a chance at escape. Now, it was up to me to make it out alive.

I heard one of the men holler again. He sounded like he had gotten further away, but I didn’t have the luxury of hiding anymore.

I needed to count on speed if I was going to get out of this.

I burst out of the thicket, sprinting towards the light I could see in the distance. It felt like hope, like salvation. But the men were still hot on my heels, their angry shouts echoing through the trees.

Almost there, almost there, I chanted to myself, the sound of gunfire ringing out in the night. I didn’t dare turn to look behind me - I knew they were close, and any hesitation would spell my doom.

And then I saw a swamp.

The swamp was full of gators so going into it was a terrible idea, but if I could somehow make the men chasing me look like food...

I slowed down for a moment, my heart racing with the dangerous plan forming in my mind. The swamp was a deadly place, but it was my only hope.

With a deep breath, I took off again towards the swamp. The men chasing me were only a few steps behind as I neared the edge of the murky waters. I quickly scanned my surroundings for anything that could help me, and my eyes landed on a long, sturdy branch. An idea formed in my mind so fast that I didn’t have time to question it.

Without hesitation, I snatched the branch up off the ground and continued to run toward the swamp. Although I could hear the men closing in behind me, I trusted in Teo’s plan and in my own instincts.

Once I reached the edge of the murky waters, I took a deep breath and plunged the branch into the muck. It was big, so I knew the men would think that it was me. The noise of splashing water caused the gators to stir, and their primal instincts kicked in. In an instant, they descended upon my makeshift bait, tearing it apart in search of sustenance.

I stood at the edge of the swamp, watching as the men chasing me got closer and closer, their eyes fixed on the commotion in the water. At first, they seemed hesitant to approach, but then a smile spread across one of their faces as they realized what had happened. I could see his shiny white teeth even in the darkness of the swamp.

“She’s gone,” one of them said with a chuckle. “The gators got her.”

“Not fucking funny,” another man replied. “You think we’ll get our dues without a body? Fucking hell.”

I held my breath so they couldn’t hear me.

They argued for a moment, and then started back towards their car, clearly giving up. I stood there until they were completely out of sight, watching them drive away until my eyes couldn’t register their presence anymore. Then I let out the breath I had been holding.

I was alive.

I had no idea how long I was going to be able to keep it that way.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Teo

IknewIwasn’tgoing to win, but I just wanted to hold them off long enough for Sofia to run. Someone hit my temple with the butt of their gun and I was knocked out cold. When I came to, my body ached all over. I tried to move, but my hands were tied behind my back, and my ankles were bound together. I groaned, and immediately someone appeared in front of me. The pain in my leg was so bad I had to hold back a scream. I was kneeling in front of a two-story wooden cabin with electric lights twinkling inside.