Page 43 of Whisper

“We can use her help to shift the narrative,” I said. “The police might still be after the Blades, but if we make it clear that you guys are right here, then maybe they’ll give you a break.”

He shook his head. “Doubt it,” he said. “We still do horrible things. Just…fewer than them.”

“You don’t actively support serial killers,” I said.

“Right. And we wouldn’t. I also don’t think this influencer chick would either, so that’s why this is confusing.”

“It’s a good story,” I replied. “Of course she wants to know more about it.”

“There’s no story. Your brother shot the Strangler in the face.”

“Except there is,” I said. “Because now there’s a bounty on us and my brother’s involvement hasn’t been made public.”

“Not to mention the lawsuit. Yeah, you’re right,” he replied. “This just makes me really uneasy. Something about it feels like a trap.”

“That’s why I want to talk to Miranda,” I replied, standing from the bed. “Before things get too far out of hand.”

He ran a hand through his hair again, his eyes distant. Frustration radiated off of him, but I knew it was just that – frustration. We were on the same side. He just didn’t really want to be in this position at all. Before any of this had happened, the Blades busied themselves with standard gang things. Moving drugs, having illegal operations in their clubs, dealing with enemies and that was it. They weren’t a political group, or even a benefactor to the city, just a gang doing gang things. Now they were smack dab in the middle of a media shitstorm, and despite the fact that they were innocent of the crimes being pinned to them, no one was going to listen to them. One that it felt like I had brought upon them.

“I just want normal,” Teo muttered then.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“No, you can’t blame yourself for this,” he said, his lips grazing mine. “You didn’t kill anyone. And I wouldn’t take normal again if it meant that you weren’t here.”

“I love you,” I replied, pressing myself flush against him to feel the warmth of his body. He sighed, his lips smashing against mine as he kissed me hard. Words couldn’t express how I felt about this man, but I would tell him until my voice went hoarse and breathing became impossible.

“I think you should go back to your apartment tonight,” he said. “Go with Jace and Miranda and pretend everything is normal. I want you to try and extract any information you can from her there. She might think that it’s easier to talk to you in that environment.”

I laughed. “I’m so behind on rent. I’m pretty sure I got evicted.”

“What? No. I’ve been paying your rent.”

I met his gaze. “Why?”

“Because I wanted you to have an apartment in case you decided to leave,” he said simply. “There are cameras in your apartment now, by the way. They’re disabled right now, but I’m going to enable them when Miranda is there with you.”

The blood drained from my face as I processed that. “You can’t just spy on me.”

“If you’re going into a potentially dangerous situation, I have to be able to watch,” he replied. “I’ll disable them again once it’s done, though.”

I sighed. “Alright. Why Jace? Why not Victor?”

“Because Jace will be able to go through her devices, and I think doing that in front of her might make her talk more than a gun to her head.”

I chuckled. “That makes sense.”

“Go back to your apartment, Sofia. Keep doing things and act as normal as possible,” he said. “Victor will be right outside, making sure nothing happens to you.”

“Alright,” I said, pulling away from him and looking around his room. I paused for a moment, taking in the details surrounding me before standing on my tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his mouth. I thought about waking up in that storage room with him leaning over me, the way he had looked at me with so much confusion.

Things were so different now. I was so glad he was there with me.

“One more thing,” he said, whispering in my ear as I stood up and he wrapped his arm around my waist. “If you do decide to go through with having sex with him, let me know so I can pair my phone to your vibrator.”

That made me slap him in the chest, and he chuckled.

“I’ll do my best,” I replied.