“Have you slept with Victor?”
“With Victor?” she said. I could tell she was trying to hold back a smile. “No. I haven’t.”
“Do you want to?”
She looked away from me as she seemed to think about it, her eyes closing tightly.
“I don’t know,” she said, biting her bottom lip. “I mean, I find him attractive, but I don’t want to make things awkward between us.”
“But you did sleep with Grayson. After Teo spanked you. You guys had sex, right?”
“That was the first time he fucked me,” she said softly. “It wasn’t the first time we, you know, did things.”
There was a part of me that was jealous, sure. But mostly I was enjoying this. I enjoyed hearing about what she did with the rest of the Blades, and how they had all used her body to get off. Or how she had used them.
“He’s okay with it, you know,” she said. “Grayson. We’ve talked about it. I don’t know why, I thought that meant that you would all be okay with it.”
I swallowed. I wanted her so much. Forcing her to make a choice just guaranteed that I was only going to push her away and that was the last thing I needed.
My hand still on her shoulder, I pulled away from her. “Let’s figure this Olivier thing out,” I said. “Once we do, we can figure the rest out, too.”
She nodded, a soft smile softening her features. “Sure,” she said. “That makes sense.”
“We got you, Sof,” I said.
“Yeah,” she replied, her gaze meeting mine as her brown eyes twinkled. “I know.”
Chapter Twelve: Sofia
Ilookedaroundtheshadowy room.
We’d move locations to one of the warehouses right outside of town. Teo insisted that we weren’t found out, and this place was bare and out of the way. When the five of us were anywhere together, we had to be particularly careful.
Add my brother into the mix and things got very difficult.
We were sitting around a giant TV screen, an expensive couch plopped in the middle of the large concrete room as two portable AC units blew toward us.
Sam looked around at all their faces. Before any of this, my brother had seemed like a kid to me. Now I could see the hardened lines on his face, the crease between his brow getting deeper.
The Mercy Drive Blades huddled together on one couch, my brother on the other seat. Our secure location felt like a fortress, but I couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that we were being watched.
Maybe that was just me being paranoid, though.
“Alright. It’s been days and I keep turning things over in my head,” I said, breaking the silence. “And I realized something. We need a fresh perspective on this. We’re missing something.”
As I spoke, I could feel Jace’s eyes burning into me, his gaze intense and unwavering. The room suddenly felt hotter, and I knew I wasn’t the only one who noticed the charged energy between us. But no one said anything. Teo exchanged a knowing glance with Grayson, who smirked.
That made it much worse.
Whatever. I had to focus on the task at hand. I could worry about these men later.
“Here’s what we’ve got so far,” I started, laying out the evidence before them. Photographs, documents, notes scribbled hastily in my handwriting – it all painted a sinister picture of a conspiracy we’d uncovered. Whoever this Sara woman was, she clearly had almost infinite resources, and she always sent Miranda the latest about where I was and what I was doing.
There had been one message since the night I’d gotten served. It was simply to tell her that I was likely to lay low.
The fact that she knew that made me sick to my stomach, but it also gave me valuable information.
“These connections are not coincidental, and the patterns suggest there’s more going on than we initially thought. Look here,” I pointed to a series of seemingly unrelated incidents. “If we connect these dots, it becomes clear that someone is orchestrating this chaos from the shadows, targeting both us and anyone who gets in their way. The triple threat attack at the club…that was them. Miranda Olivier is just an influencer doing their bidding. She doesn’t seem to realize it.”