Page 32 of Whisper

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“You’re not sending Victor after me?”

“I mean, you’re not leaving the area, are you?” I asked. “The lot is owned by the Blades.”

“No,” she said. “I won’t go far.”

I nodded, and she slipped out of the warehouse.

I went back to researching the Everglades Viper, Miranda Olivier, the Sentinel--the mix of things that made our lives so very difficult right then. I checked the clock on my computer and my heart sank. As time ticked by and I couldn’t catch sight of her, my mind went into overdrive, imagining all the horrible things that could have happened to her. I should’ve never let her go. Fear overshadowed any relief I might’ve felt by giving her space in the first place.

“Damn it, where is she?” I muttered under my breath, my hands clenched into fists at my sides. I was torn between wanting to give her the space she needed and fearing for her safety. Every passing moment brought more worry. What would Teo say if he found out? Worse than that, how could I forgive myself if something had happened to her?

“Something wrong, Jace?” Victor’s voice cut through as he leaned against the wall behind me with a smug grin.

“Fuck you, Victor,” I said, my unease mounting. “I’m going after her.”

“Relax,” he said. “Aren’t you tracking her phone?”

I glanced at her phone on the coffee table, Victor’s reproach stinging me. He had his arms crossed over his chest. “Jace, you’re a fucking idiot,” he said. “Teo would kill you if you fucked this up.”

The feeling of unease washed over me like a tidal wave, stirring my instincts and urging me to look for her. “I’m going,” I said. When I was about to leave the warehouse, I practically broke into a sprint, my heart pounding in sync with my footsteps as I raced towards the direction she had taken when she left.

Not that I had to.

She was standing right there, looking perplexed.

“Sorry that took a bit,” she said as she looked me up and down. “There were some ducks by the pond I stopped to look at.”

“Ducks?” I quirked an eyebrow, relief mixing with frustration.

She smiled. “A momma duck and her ducklings,” she said, a smile softening her face. “Want to see?”

I looked her up and down, trying to ignore the knot in my throat. “You’re definitely okay.”

“Yes, Jace, I’m okay,” she said. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I just…”

I didn’t let her finish, wrapping my arms around her and swooping her in for a hug instead. As she clung to me, the rapid beat of my heart gradually slowed down. While pissing Teo off had briefly crossed my mind, mostly I had been worried about her well-being.

The idea that anything would happen to her set my teeth on edge.

“Jace, look at me,” she demanded, gripping my face between her hands suddenly and forcing me to meet her gaze. I tried to be strong, but it was pointless. Sofia could see right through me. She always had. “I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. Areyouokay?”

I stood there, my throat tightening as the words fought to escape. “When I thought you were gone,” I mumbled, pausing to take a shuddering breath as memories of my past flooded my mind. “It brought back things from my past…I could’ve been more careful but instead I got captured. Twice.”

“I told you I wouldn’t–”

I interrupted her. “I got captured twice. Victor made it very clear I was being an idiot and I was so worried that you were gone.”

My voice broke and I felt her warm hand on my hip, offering me comfort, grounding.

“Jace,” she whispered, her eyes wide. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You kept me safe while keeping me sane. Teo has hardly managed to do that.”

She flashed me a smile, but I couldn’t find it in me to smile back at her.

She shuddered as she leaned into me. “You can’t blame yourself for the past, Jace. We’re all doing our best to survive.”

“I know,” I said, barely able to find the strength to speak. She tilted her head and rested it against mine, her presence soothing my frayed nerves. “But it’s just... I can’t help but feel responsible.”