Page 31 of Whisper

“I’ll keep my eye to the ground at the station,” Sam said. “And also report anything back.”

“Good. You better, Reyes,” Teo said.

I rolled my eyes, then cleared my throat.

“This is a good plan,” I said, my thoughts already racing ahead to the leads I’d follow, the clues I’d unearth, the stories I’d unravel. My sources had been able to help me somewhat, at least when it came to the Sentinel. They’d told me that they were pissed I took a scoop out from under them, but above all, I had offended Alayna.

Which surprised me, because she hadn’t seemed very interested in the Strangler in the first place.

But a pissed-off and powerful editor-in-chief was a powerful enemy I didn’t want to have.

“Alright, let’s get to work,” Teo said, his eyes meeting mine with a look that sent shivers down my spine. “We’ll reconvene here in seven days with whatever information we’ve managed to uncover. Are you coming, sunshine?”

My gaze darted between him and Jace, who was sitting at his computer and tapping away.

I smiled at him. “I think we’re on the verge of a breakthrough,” I said. “I want to see it through.”

Teo flashed me a smile. “You’re hot when you’re working,” he said.

I shook my head, blood rushing to my cheeks.

Teo crossed the space between us, taking my mouth in a sweet, lingering kiss, his arm slung around my waist as he pressed me close to his body.

“Don’t work too hard, okay?” he whispered in my ear. “I want you to have some energy this weekend.”

I wanted to ask what was going on this weekend, but before I could, he moved away from me.

“Take care of yourself, Sof,” Sam said, squeezing my shoulder as he went past me. “I mean it.”

“You too, kid,” I replied.

Grayson winked at me before he left.

“I’ll see them out,” Victor said.

I nodded.

As the others left the room, Jace lingered behind, his fingers tapping away at a keyboard as he set up the secure network. He was sitting in the makeshift living room in the warehouse, light illuminating his profile, making his dark blond hair look lighter than it ever had.

I couldn’t help but watch him, admiring the way his brow furrowed in concentration and his strong hands moved with practiced ease.

“Scoot over,” I said. He looked up at me and smiled. “We have work to do.”

Chapter Thirteen: Sofia

Ithadbeenhoursand we didn’t seem like we were any closer to making a breakthrough. I could see that Sofia was getting anxious.

This was my space, I was good at it. I could stare at a screen for hours. This part of my job was tedious and hard, but it was also what made breakthroughs possible. Sofia had shut her laptop and was pacing around the warehouse. Victor was doing push-ups in the warehouse somewhere, I could hear him grunting as he did.

“Jace, I’m going stir crazy in here. Can I please go for a walk?” Sofia asked, pacing the small room we’d been holed up in for days. I could tell she desperately needed some fresh air.

I picked up my head and thought about it for a second. The instructions from Teo were very clear: keep his girlfriend safe. On the other hand, I could see that this was eating at her, and she wasn’t going to get much further if I didn’t give her a break. “Are you sure?”

“Please,” I replied. “I’m a big girl. I won’t go far. I can take care of myself.”

“Fine,” I sighed. I didn’t like it, but she was a big girl and I wasn’t Teo. I wasn’t going to keep her captive. “But be careful, Sofia.”

“I’ll be five twenty minutes at the most,” she said.