Page 18 of Whisper

“Get dressed,” I said.

“Someone is here,” I said. “Don’t panic, just put your clothes on.”

She did as I told her, sliding her leggings up her legs and moving her shirt down. She looked around for a few seconds up at the rafters as I quickly grabbed my gun out of my pockets and did my buttons up. “Sof,” I said. “Do you remember when we were breaking Jace out of the compound? How you held my Beretta?”

She nodded, her eyes widening. I slid the spare gun I always kept with me in her hands. “Listen to me,” I said. “You don’t hesitate when you aim at someone. Do you understand? That hesitation will get you killed.”

“Grayson,” she protested. “I can’t...”

“Yes,” I cut off. “You can. Because it’s either you or them, and I know you have the guts for it.”

She paled, but she nodded.

“Good,” I said. “Now you listen to me. You need to run this end of the hallway, climb the stairs and get back to the car and stay there until I come and pick you up. I’ll be right behind you. I don’t think anyone will hurt you, but they might if they see you. Got it?”

She nodded again.

“They might end up being closer than they look,” I said, disregarding the fact that I could hear them getting closer. I was only sending Sofia back to the car because whoever was here was gutsy and stupid, and being in an armored car would be safer than this. Plus, I would only be two steps behind her. I would always be watching her. I just needed to make sure that “So don’t be afraid, Sof. And don’t be slow. Got it?”

She nodded again, her lips pursed tightly together.

I moved forward and opened the door for Sofia, watching to make sure that there was really someone out there. I couldn’t see anyone at first.

But then I heard footsteps make two clanking sounds on the metal staircase as they came down from the platform above us.

Sofia would be fine as long as no one saw her. I took a deep breath, stepping out into the open hallway and facing whoever was coming through, my gun drawn.

“Show yourself,” I said. I was steps away from Sofia, making sure that she was okay, but if someone took me down, I needed to make sure she got to the car. I heard laughter and my heart dropped to my stomach.

Sofia paused, for a split second, and I thought I was going to throw up. Luckily, I didn’t have to prompt her; she kept going just like I had told her. The sound was coming from somewhere on my left and she was on my right, so there was some time to make sure that they didn’t catch up to her.

I took a step forward and felt a breeze on my left shoulder. I turned around and faced a man who was much broader than me, shorter, with a broken nose. He was surprisingly light on his feet, I had to give him that.

“Who are you?” I asked.

He took a step toward me. “Doesn’t matter, Grayson Sinclair,” he replied. “I got you and your whore now.”

My temper frayed. I wanted to get more information from him, but the fact that he had just insulted Sofia...I was ready to shoot my gun and put a bullet between his eyes. I looked over my shoulder, at the stairs where Sofia had ran.

The man laughed. “You think I’m the only one here, Sinclair?” he said, then tutted. “That little blonde girl with the glasses...she posted Sofia’s location. Even if I didn’t have my own people, there are people everywhere waiting to snatch her up. Apparently, the reward’s gone up. Something about the reporter being slippery. One hundred grand for your girlfriend.”

“Fuck you,” I said, pressing down on the trigger. He went for his gun, but he wasn’t fast enough; the sound of the shot was followed by the sound of his body thundering down the metal stairs, his head shooting backward and his body lifeless, blood streaming down the steps from his neck.

“Fucking asshole,” I said. I would have one of our guys clean up the mess later; right then, I needed to get back to Sof.

“Grayson,” I heard a voice say behind me, right before something slammed into the side of my face with enough force to knock me to the ground. I barely managed to catch myself before my attacker sent me tumbling down the railing, a hand slamming into my solar plexus as someone grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the wall.

My vision blurred, but my grip around my gun tightened. I shot at my attacker’s feet, a clumsy and desperate move, but it worked for just long enough to make him pull back and let me get a better grasp on my gun.

He leapt back as I aimed at his head, but he was still full of piss and vinegar. His hands gripped a pipe with a jagged end and I watched as he took a swing for me, the pipe glinting in the sunlight that came through the window.

I stepped back just in time, dodging to avoid his swing. He was off-balance enough that I could have probably moved toward him and pushed him down the stairs, but I wasn’t going to take any chances.

I leveled my gun at his stomach and shot him twice.

There might be other people around and I needed to make sure to get to Sofia quickly. I’d lost sight of her during the scuffle, so I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and toward the parking lot above the club. She was already in the car, I could tell because the engine was running. I couldn’t hear anyone behind me, but I knew I had to be careful and fast.

Sofia opened the door for me just in time.