I knew I probably should have taken her to my place---we were on the street, for Pete’s sake---but I was having trouble thinking with any rational thought. Fuck it.
“Come with me,” I said.
She giggled as I pulled away from her, her fingers interlaced with mine.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“I’m going to give you what you deserve,” I replied, and then pulled her toward the elevator.
Chapter Six: Sofia
Iwasn’tsurewhereGrayson was taking me at first. I assumed the elevator would land in the club, and I was right. I expected stripped walls and concrete flooring, not what we found. Shadows played across the exposed brick walls, which had been put there as decoration, and the already built bar stood like a monument to the power that Grayson and the other Blades wielded in this city. I couldn’t help but think of what happened upstairs, and the heat from our encounter still coursed through my veins.
“Feels alive, doesn’t it?” Grayson asked, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine.
I nodded. He took a step toward me and breathed hard down the back of my neck. “It’s got character,” I replied.
“Teo insists on finding places with character,” Grayson said. “I don’t care as long as they make us money. But I do have to admit there’s something about this one.”
“What are you going to call it?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “We like snappy, one word names. Loft, maybe. Dredge. Saint. Something. We’ll have to brainstorm it.”
He turned me around to face him.
“Teo might want to call it Sunshine,” he said, and my cheeks grew hot.
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He was so close I could see the dark ring around his light green eyes.
“You can call it whatever you like, if it’s for you,” he added with a grin.
“Wait, what?”
“Sof,” Grayson said softly, his hand cupping my face. “If something happens to us, you’re going to need to be taken care of. We don’t want you to have to worry about money. Ever.”
“I can’t ask you for this,” I said, my eyes widening. The idea that anything would happen to them made my heart sink to my stomach, but I quickly realized that he was right. We were all in mortal danger, all the time.
I had been, too, ever since I had come into this world. I needed to stop kidding myself about it. There was a reason Grayson did what he did. There was a reason there were checks and balances.
“You didn’t ask,” Grayson replied, his thumb brushing against my lower lip.
My knees trembled and I leaned into his touch, my eyes searching his face. Hope swelled inside me, startling me with its intensity.
Grayson continued to stroke my lower lip gently, and I parted my lips so that I could feel the roughness of his fingers against my tongue. I felt his body pressing against me, even though he held me loosely in his arms. The hardness hidden beneath his loose black dress shirt was unmistakable--but it wasn’t enough to give me what I wanted.
“You have something to show me?” I asked softly.
“Right,” he replied. He took his phone out of his pocket and swiped his fingers over the screen, and the club seemed to come to life around us. Music thundered around us after a beat. The lights strobes and lasers illuminated the large, open dancefloor.
“Care to dance?” Grayson asked, that dangerous glint in his eyes making it an offer I couldn’t refuse – not that I wanted to.
“Thought you’d never ask,” I said.
He moved away from me so he could pull me to the dance floor. His hands rested on my hips and he stepped behind me, his body moving in time with the music. I closed my eyes and let him lead me into the empty dance floor. I leaned back into him, the hardness of his body flush against mine. His breath was hot against my neck as we swayed to the music.
Grayson’s strong arms encircled my waist, and I couldn’t help but think of how he used those same arms to protect me and his brothers in the Blades. There was no denying our chemistry or the danger that surrounded us, but at this moment, all that mattered was the dance.
“Grayson,” I whispered, leaning in closer, “I don’t know how you do it. Stay so cool-headed while embracing the chaos.”