The end of her curls touch the water before clinging to the soft skin of her shoulders. She moves her hands through the hot water as if reveling in the feel of it against her body. Delicate snowflakes land against her ridiculously long lashes before quickly melting away without a trace of their short-lived existence.

Stepping back further into the shadows when I hear a door open from across the expansive patio, I’m ready for a fight, fully expecting her to have brought some little college-aged fuck up to rub in my face.

But instead, I watch as another woman walks toward the hot tub, a glass of champagne in hand, a red satin robe her only protection against the night’s chill. The unknown woman crosses the patio, her wavy black hair hanging loosely almost to the top of her ass.

When she reaches the hot tub, her back toward me, she drops the robe to the ground, and I almost groan at the sight.

Her body is free from clothing, a deliciously perky ass pointed in my direction that I immediately think about sinking my teeth into. Unlike my sister, who is all flawless, creamy, pale skin unmarked from ink, this woman is all tattoos. Running up and down both arms and legs, I can’t make out the designs from this distance, but I can tell that they’re hot as fuck. From my position in the shadows, I can see they cover most of her back as well, and if I squint my eyes just a bit, I think I can see one trailing up the side of her neck.

I know I should announce my presence, that I should give this stranger the opportunity to shield herself from my hungry gaze. Instead, I stand rooted to the spot, watching as she gracefully climbs into the hot tub alongside my stepsister.

She moves through the water with ease, the bubbles from the jacuzzi jets tickling her skin as she grows closer and closer to my sister. I keep waiting for her to stop, expecting her to claim a nearby seat and begin a conversation. For the two to acknowledge one another.

But oh, no.

Instead, she walks confidently through the water and up to Noel, who still sits with a gentle smile on her serene face. Then, the unknown woman climbs onto my sister’s lap, straddling Noel where she sits with her back against the hard, plastic side of the hot tub.

What the fuck?

Leave now,I tell myself.Take your perverted fucking mind with your rock-hard dick back inside the house, and get the idea of a naked woman pushing her flawless body up against your little sister out of your goddammed mind.

Yeah, it’s what I tell myself. But again, I refuse to listen to the rational part of my brain. Instead, I inch cautiously closer to the pair, groaning as my dick brushes up against my pants, while thankful for the sounds of the jacuzzi for keeping me hidden from their eyes. I’m a dirty, perverted sex ninja hell-bent on fulfilling my rawest, voyeuristic fantasies that I’ve never dared to share with anyone.

My sister smiles at the woman, her plump lips parting at whatever was said before her entire head falls back and laughter fills the otherwise silent night.

Noel’s arms come out of the water, linking around the woman’s neck, before she surges up and kisses the mystery guest.

My brain is on overload, trying to make heads or tails of the situation unfolding around me like some late-night version of my favorite skin-a-max porn that I stumbled upon as a teen who spent way too much time with his right hand.

First, no one is supposed to be here for the next two days. This is supposed to be my quiet serenity before the madness of a Klaus-Belle family fucking Christmas. This is the time I carved out in my extremely busy schedule for myself. I’m supposed to be the one sitting in that fucking hot tub—a cigar in one hand, a glass of whiskey in the other—as the snow comes down around me. And yeah, I know that makes me sound like some ungrateful, entitled, spoiled little shit, but whatever—I was looking forward to it.

Secondly, my stepsister—the boy-crazy, wanna-be society girl who loves to parade around in front of the paparazzi while spending Mommy and Daddy’s money—is kissing another woman. And not just kissing her like some random drunk-girl dare that sorority girls live for. No, she is kissing her like she means it. With a passion that I have yet to experience for myself despite being six years older than her.

Don’t get me wrong, I get plenty of pussy. I fuck whenever I want and with whomever I want. But it’s just that—fucking. What these two women are doing in front of my eyes? Hell, their lips are locked in what can only be described as an erotic tango as they each take turns fighting for dominance against one another's mouths.

The last thing my mind catches on—and so help me God, why am I only noticing it now—is that not only is the mystery woman naked, but so is my sister. Under the gentle twinkling lights, her skin radiates a golden hue, almost as if backlighting an angel with a golden halo atop her head. But I know now, that lighting aside, she’s just as much the devil as I am.

Noel writhes against the other woman’s body, as if needing to feel more. As if all her pleasure is held in the hands of this mystery woman with the gorgeous ass and inked skin and long, black hair that I want to wrap around my fist and tug—hard.

Desperately trying, I fail to pull my gaze from the pair, unaware that their seductive dance is on full display to another’s eyes. I’m salivating like the fucking big, bad wolf about to devour his prey as I sweep my gaze up and down their bodies. I watch as my sister runs her hands up the other woman’s back, how their flesh slides against one another from the wetness of the water. I listen to their captivating noises—low moans and small gasps that can barely be heard over the sounds of the hot tub. I grow increasingly hard until my cock is achingly painful behind the zipper of my black dress slacks.

The song on the speaker changes, a bizarrely creepy rendition of Jingle Bells, that has me hitting pause of the real-life porn unfolding in front of my eyes. Slowly, I back further into the shadows, retracing my steps until I’m no longer within distance to watch the gratuitous erotica in front of me.

Once back in the house, I grab my duffle before tossing it into the nearest bedroom. Then, I head back to the SUV to retrieve the rest of my luggage. All the while, I try—and fail—to get the act I just witnessed out of my mind.

Placing the luggage in the bedroom, I return to the kitchen and take a seat at the built-in island. I grab the nearest bottle of liquor, pour with a heavy hand into one of the glasses from atop the granite countertop, and wait for my sister and the mystery woman to reappear from the cold night, where the only thing they were together was blistering fucking hot.

Feminine giggles bounceoff the hallway walls before the two women stumble their way into the kitchen where I sit stoically at the island. Now wearing matching red satin robes, Noel’s back is to me, her companion guiding her with hands rooted firmly on my sister’s hips. Between stolen kisses and quiet moans, they whisper words to one another that I can’t overhear. It’s a contrast to see them both in such little fabric while I still wear the layers I wore earlier while on the plane.

The woman stops abruptly when she enters the huge kitchen, bringing my sister to a halt alongside her. Wide, blue eyes meet my own, surprise lighting up her features as she struggles with finding a stranger in the kitchen in what is meant to be a quiet, abandoned house.

Sensing the change in mood, that the playfulness of her companion has quickly evaporated, my sister looks at the woman before following her line of sight. Her eyes turn from playful to angry in an instant when she sets her own green eyes on me.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Saint? No one is supposed to be here until Friday!” she asks, her voice holding just the barest hint of a British accent left over from her days living overseas as a child. She tries to hide it, to conceal it from the world, yet it always seems to sneak out when she’s angry.

And if there is one thing I love in this life, it’s making my stepsister mad.

I give her body a slow once over—fully appreciating just what a gorgeous woman she has turned into. “I presume that I could ask the same of you, my darling sister. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”