My sister stutters out a response, her eyes opening to meet mine. “There’s so much sensation. So many extra hands and limbs.”

A bead of sweat rolls down my temple before falling onto Noel’s skin, and while I speak, I never slow the relentless pace I’ve worked up to. “If you need me to slow down or stop, you just say the word.”


It’s all she says.

One word with endless opportunity.

Opportunity I’ve only reached the surface of exploring with these two Christmas angels brought to life.

Feeling Noel’s cunt as it begins to tighten ever further around my cock, I look down to watch as Holly toys with her clit, occasionally bumping into my dick with her fingers. It’s gentle despite the force I put behind each thrust, her soft skin barely grazing my own.

And I fuckingloveit.

Noel keens, her voice filling the room around us like a choir filling a church on Christmas Eve. I urge Holly to keep rubbing, to keep tormenting Noel’s pussy.

“She’s so close,” I tell her. “Like a Goddamned vice grip on my cock.”

Holly’s pupils dilate, confirming she’s enjoying this just as much as I am. “Send her over the edge, Saint. Give our girl what she wants.”

I look to Holly, something passing silently between us in the moment. It’s a promise of more, a promise of what’s to come. And I can’t fucking wait.

The headboard slams against the wall with each thrust, and I’m about damned sure that I’m going to have to pay to have the room patched up when we get done with it. Again and again, I slam into Noel as Holly continues to tease her clit. And just when I think that I can barely hold on another second, my beautiful stepsister calls out my name before wave after wave of her orgasm crashes into her body, setting my own release off in a chain reaction.

I roar as my release fills her, then crash my lips against hers as the spots slowly begin to fade from behind my eyes. My head falls to a space between her body and Holly’s—all of us having shifted during the last several minutes—and when I feel fingers trailing through my short hair, I look up to see a smiling Holly staring at me with reverence on her beautiful face.

Rolling off my sister with a small kiss to her forehead, I climb from the bed, knowing from the beginning, Holly would be the one in charge of aftercare—of making sure Noel felt safe, secure, and loved after the events we planned. The events thatIplanned. That at the time of our negotiations, this was planned to be one night and one night only.

What I don’t expect is for the hollowness that I feel in my chest as I begin to dress.

Chancing a look at the two women as I approach the door, I see that Holly has already pulled warm blankets over my sister’s body. That she is uncapping a bottle of water and holding it to Noel’s lips.

Just as I’m about to close the door, to leave them alone, a voice stops me in my tracks.

“You said you’d never run away again.” Noel sounds so small. So timid and broken. “Would it be so wrong if you just decided to stay? To give us—both of us—a try?”

Every moment I’ve ever shared with her flashes before my eyes as if it’s my last moments on Earth. The first day she bounced her way into my life with those lively curls and even livelier attitude. All the times she stubbornly pushed my buttons in an attempt to become closer to me without knowing she was actually pushing me further away. Each tiny, little outfit that she wore to tempt me, and that night in the pool house—the first time she called meDaddy.

I stand there, hand poised on the doorknob while torn between the two options, my heart beating loudly in my chest as if teasing me on with a cadence ofdo it…do it…do it.

It doesn’t take long for me to make the decision, all of Holly’s words from earlier today—about being alone and afraid and desperate for family–come back to me. I know it’s exactly what I’ve been desperate for my entire life, too.

And it’s all just on the other side of that door, waiting for me.

Fuck our parents, who did more harm than good by leaving us all to our own devices when we needed them most. And fuck society if they cannot accept that I can have such strong feelings for not one but two people after such a short time, one of which is my sister only through marriage.

Everyone can take their Goddamned standards and norms and shove them up their asses. Because just on the other side of that door—my entire life awaits.

Throwing the door open, I stride to the bed, two pairs of wide eyes meeting mine as I do. I see the trepidation in both of their faces, the uncertainty and fear. It makes me want to kick my own ass for putting that doubt on their faces.

Without saying another word, I do the only thing I can think of knowing that come morning, we’ll have a ton of shit to figure out, but that for now, I’ll just focus on tonight.

Pulling back the blankets, I crawl into bed with my two Christmas miracles, press kisses to each of their lips, which I hope conveys the seriousness of my intent, and vow silently that this is only the first of many holidays we’ll spend together.

Because now that I know how good it can be, I know that all I want for Christmas…is two.