Page 36 of Her Twisted Beasts

“The red hair will take a little longer to show, but it’s there.”

“We can wait.”

I lift my head. “There’s more I need you to understand about me. I didn’t willingly go to the Society. No one willingly joins their depraved ranks unless you’re a multi-millionaire or billionaire without a conscience.”

Victor brushes my hair to the side and kisses me on the cheek. “We didn’t think you did.”

“They tried to force me into sexual situations with clients. That is why I have the scars. For every time I refused, they flogged me.”

Augustine pulls me out of Darius’ hold and wraps me in his powerful arms. I feel like I am a queen surrounded by his warmth.

“They drugged me, forced me to masturbate men and women. But I never gave them my body. I am tarnished in the eyes of many people. I feel you need to know this before we go any further. If you want to step away, I understand. You can pass me back to my father and he can do as he sees fit once he learns the truth about me.” My heart breaks at the idea they could do just that. If they do, I will walk into the storm and let it swallow me.

Darius lifts me up and moves me to the end of the bed before kneeling in front of me. His eyes flare with what seems like animosity toward my father. “Your father will learn nothing of the Society. That is our cross to bear. He doesn’t need to know. He has enough nightmares though he deserves to carry another for not protecting you.” Darius' words carry a lethal edge.

“He did what he saw necessary to protect the empire against war. I don’t hold any ill will toward him.”

“And I don't want you to. You are too pure of a soul to live with that kind of hatred.”

I gather the bedspread and wrap it around me, suddenly feeling chilled. The storm has covered everything in a blanket of white making the outside world seem like a problem we never have to deal with.

I wish. But I know we can’t hide from the world forever.

“Last year I lost everything for one grave decision and now I feel like I’m getting everything back and so much more.”

“I think it’s us who have made out the most. You’re a closet romantic, loyal, kind, way too fucking good for us and your love might as well sit on your shoulder with how vibrant it glows for everyone to see.”

The intent in Vi’s gaze catches my breath. A pang of heat passes through me.

“Vi, are you proposing to me?”

“Yes. I have to get my bid in before these two do.”

My smile is unavoidable. “What if I want all of you as my husbands?”

“That can be arranged and we would love nothing more.”

“I don’t know how I feel so strongly or so quickly for all of you, but I do.”

“You opened your heart and fate did the rest.”

I agree with Augustine. I reach out and caress my fingers over the stubble on his cheek and then I do the same with Victor.

But it’s Darius who takes more with no shame. I’m quickly learning he never settles for anything less than everything.

His kiss leaves me breathless. “More to come.” The sound of a large motor breaks the magic. Darius touches his forehead against mine and then they all stand. They grab clean clothes from the closet as I slide into a pair of sweatpants and a pair of wool-lined slippers. Darius comes back with my bra. The cups hang open with no hope of magically fixing itself.

“I have these.” Darius opens his palm and hands me a couple of safety pins.

“After the business with your father we’ll head back to the city. There will be clothes there by the time we arrive.”

I nod. It’s all so much and yet feels right. “We will have to talk about my job with Club Genesis.” And a lot of other things, but clothes are a nice start.

“Thank you for these.” I pin my bra back together as best as I can and pull one of the men’s sweatshirts over my head. Ugh. I look like a gray blob but at least I’m warm.

Three growls come from behind me and I turn to find all three mafia men prowling across the bedroom looking like sin wrapped in Armani. All of them are in suits, golden or red ties, and I swear I can see my reflection in the shine of their shoes.

And then there's me. I hold my hands up and have to fight to get my hands to the end of the sleeve so I can roll it up.