Page 40 of Her Twisted Beasts



As it turns out, learning to trust love was easier than I expected. Of course, having all three of my men surrounding me all hours of the day helped me heal the broken pieces of my soul.

If I could open my chest to see my heart right now, it would look like a patchwork of pieces held together by new memories, quiet kisses during snowstorms and a new love growing inside me.

It’s been a year since I reconnected with my father and I found love in the arms of my father’s enemy. I thought they wanted me dead, but what they really wanted was to make me their queen.

I stand back and admire my large baby bump in the mirror. I didn’t get pregnant that first night with the Denatti men, but it was not long after. I am nearing eight months and it’s wintertime again. We’ve decided the cabin is much more peaceful for our budding family. For now. It’s quiet out here and we can focus on ourselves until the birth of our baby. And then we will head back into the city. Until then I plan on savoring the peaceful quiet. Snow covers everything again, and it’s a sight I will miss once we leave.

It’s been a year since I found out my life was worth ten million dollars. Wow. That is kind of hard to believe. The Denatti men could have easily ended me and collected the cash.

Instead, they showed me that my love for them and my life was and is far more valuable.

I tuck my hands under my belly. The gauzy white gown wraps around the new life I’ll give birth to in another month.

“I can hardly believe it,” I say to Darius who walks in behind me and places his hands on my baby bump.

“Is she giving you trouble today?”

All the brown from my hair has faded and I’ve let my red locks grow until the ends touch the top of my rump.

Darius lowers either side of my gown, exposing my shoulders and ample breasts. “I can’t wait to see you feeding our child.” He circles a nipple with a finger and then comes to kneel in front of me. His lips wrap around a tip and he slowly lavishes my nipple with gentle suckles until he has milk spilling.

My man’s lips turn up in a wolfish grin. His eyes darken, and I see the devilish intent glittering in those depths. “Mm, fuck that is sexy. I missed you, precious.” He presses my breasts together and sucks on one then the other.

He’s come from the city after meeting with my father and trying to work a deal out with Mount. My father never showed him the contracts with Mount's name on them and I never offered to tell him the truth. And the men have never asked. I know why and I respect their decision. Some things are better left buried. Having a perfect recall sometimes means forgetting for the better good of all. Peace is on the horizon. The cost of that peace is letting the past stay where it belongs. No one’s life is better off soaked in blood and vengeance. We have so much to look forward to. I can’t fathom losing it to hatred.

I lift Darius’ face and place a kiss to either cheek. Scruff covers his jawline, and he looks tired, but happy. “I missed you too, my handsome lover.”

“Did you think you two could hide in here and leave us out of all the fun?”

Augustine and Victor come up behind me, taking me from Darius. My gown hits the floor and then I find myself on the bed surrounded by hungry beasts looking to eat me from head to toe.

“I wanted to put up the Christmas tree,” I whimper, driving my hands into Victor’s hair as he lowers himself between my legs. Augustine and Darius licks and suck my nipples until they have milk running again.

“Christmas tree later. We’ll even put lights on the roof and a fat Santa somewhere in the yard. But right now I’ve come home famished. And it’s time to feast.”

My brain hears the words and my heart wraps them up in bubble wrap to protect the love dripping from every syllable. And then I spread my legs and let my men claim all of me—heart, body and soul.

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Thank you for reading her Twisted Beasts! For more mafia men and to find out how Club Genesis was established in Seattle, read Their Dark Reign by tapping here.

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Ready for the next book in the Dark Reign Session 2 series?

Betrayal and Ruin by Ember Davis is up next.

You’ve felt the power that the men of Dark Reign hold.Now it’s time to fall under their rule again with new men who hold their world in their hands as they find the women who make them fall to their knees.

Power comes at a cost and these men have sacrificed their souls. They know violence, death, and how to walk in the gray, but that doesn’t mean they are without weakness. The women they love are their light and they would scorch the Earth to protect them.

This December meet the men who rule their empires of crime and the women who stand by them while darkness reigns.

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