Page 39 of Her Twisted Beasts

There is an excruciatingly long pause where my father locks eyes with the man I always knew to be an enemy of the D’Angelos.

My father stands to his full height, pulling me up with him. His worn hand tightens around mine. My gut clenches and I’m afraid of what this means. Is he going to walk out of the cabin, dragging me beside him? Will he blackmail them into what might serve his needs most which almost always means what serves the family best?

“I owe you for saving my daughter’s life. The deal between us was simple. You have one form of payment. Do you love my daughter or are you more bloodthirsty than anything? Make your choice. Her or the contracts? And pick wisely, son. I won’t let you or anyone else hurt my daughter.”

Dread knots my vocal chords to the heartstrings attached to my newfound love. My mouth falls open and I look between my men and my father at a loss for words. But my heart knows what I want to hear so the dreaded hope I never enjoy feeling wells inside me.

Victor winks at me and he’s the first one to drop to his knees in front of me. Not because the others are considering their options and holding back, but because they are walking toward my father.

“You worry too much, precious,” Victor murmurs for me alone. He takes my free hand and places a kiss over the ring finger.

My heart joins him on the floor. “Victor. Darius. Augustine.” My gaze bounces between them. “I’m sorry. This isn’t what I wanted. Dad, please.”

“It’s okay, baby. Let this happen.”

I expect Darius to lash out or Augustine to pull a weapon, but they don’t.

All I can do is blink and hope.

Windows rattle from the force of wind and mirror the breakable foundation I’m slowly building under my feet. It’s all based on my new love. One false move and I’ll tumble to my end.

“I’m confused, Victor. What is going on?”

“Watch, precious.”

“D’Angelo,” Darius’ tone drips with confidence. Augustine produces a knife and I can do nothing but look on as they each slice their palms and extend their fresh blood to their enemy—my father.

“We pledge to protect her to our last drop. Our choice is her and her alone. Revenge doesn’t offer a secure future.”

“See.” Victor rises and joins them, performing the same ritual. Crimson blooms over flesh. I’m mesmerized and in awe of the aura of dedication rippling around them. And it’s for me.

My father shakes their hands and accepts their oath. But it’s me he is looking at. “Protect the most precious treasure I am honored to have in my life again.”

He holds his arms out, and I fall into my father’s embrace. He tilts my chin up and utters words I didn’t know I needed to hear until this moment. “I love you, sweet girl. Find your happiness with these men who will protect you with their lives. Your mother and I love you very much.”

My eyes roam to Darius first. Then Augustine and Victor. “It’s their heart I want. Not their blood. But I know the gift it is and I pledge the same.”

“No!” all four men roar in rumbling unison and it’s stronger than the storm raging outside.

I hold my hands out to placate the beasts. “Okay. I get it. You can protect me, but I can’t protect you. Let’s see how long that lasts. I know how to use a knife, in case you’ve forgotten.”

Darius’ grin is wicked but his words are stern. “You don’t get to die for us. That is a hard no. I have more rope if you think you can fight me on this.”

Oh, God.I blush to the point I probably glow.

My father clears his throat and thank God for that because I am about to make a plea for the heavens to open the floor under my feet so I can fall through it.

“How about we settle for you giving this old man grandbabies to love and cherish?”

“Sounds like something I can do.” I know more than anyone how much joy little ones will bring to my heart. I can’t wait to show the men the perfect fathers they will become.

My father gives me over to my men, and they engulf me with their love.

Darius, settles an arm around my middle. Holding me, he asks my father, “Your enemies are now your allies. What do you plan on doing with our newfound alliance, D’Angelo?”

“Use it to form one more alliance. I’ve learned the hard way we get more by working together.”

Peace is a good thing. My heart has known pain for so long it might take me a little while to trust this new feeling welling inside me. But the more I let love inside, the easier it will become. And all it took was letting my twisted beasts close enough to bite.