Room Twenty-Eight by KL Donn
Room Thirty by Mayra Statham
Room Seven
Want more Club Sin set in the Savage world? You met Aster Constantine in Room Six. Read her forbidden love for her three godfathers by tapping her if she finds a happily-ever-after with the three SEALs.
Chapter One
There will be a time I no longer crave the forbidden. But tonight is not that night. It won’t be for a long time, I fear.
And I am okay with that truth.
My actions should embarrass me. Or I should at least feel ashamed. But instead of running away, I cling to the shadows deep inside Club Sin and watch as my darkest secrets sip bourbon. They’re facing the stage where three masked men grind against their shared woman, but they’re not watching the decadent show.
They almost look bored.
And all three are alone, I notice with a sense of relief. I don’t think I could take seeing them with another woman, though I know they have every right to seek their pleasures. And if there is any place you can fulfill your fantasies, the luxurious, decadent Club Sin is it.
Anxiety clutches at my stomach, and despite wanting to confess my deepest desires, I cling to the darkness a little longer and watch.
You see, I am in love with my father’s three best friends who, unfortunately, also have the job of being my untouchable godfathers.
Before you curse my soul to hell for craving the most forbidden desires with men literally double my age, give me a chance to live this one night as their angel.
Mirsha, Luther and Viper. Criminals and mafia bred down to the very last drop of blood in their veins. Ruthless, violent men who consider my father a close friend. Which should clue you in on the kind of man my father is.
All three of my men are villains. And my darkest of secrets.
An enormous, exceptionally dirty secret my father will kill me over if he ever finds out.
Literally. My father doesn’t take any slight against the family name with grace. He’s the type who acts with the full force of his violent nature rather than find reason.
Daughter or not, if he discovers how I feel about my godfathers, I will become the daughter hehadinstead of the one he has. I’ve seen him kill for less, so I know what I am talking about.
Knowing all of this, I have never wanted someone so deeply that my soul actually aches from need. But it’s the only way to describe this force driving me to disobey my father’s unbendable rules. Whatever this is pushing me to do wrong can’t be driven from my mind any more than I can erase knowledge of my godfathers’ existence from my heart and soul.
God, make it stop,I plead for the hundredth time today.
I huff a quiet laugh into the glass of white wine I’ve been sipping all night. I know better than to ask for prayers when I am a sinner at heart, yet I send up my silent whispers and hope someone will take pity on me.
But the devil on my shoulder says there is no saving me and I believe it.
This fire—this aching burn—is a kind of insatiable barrage of heat against my senses that erodes my control until all I can do is think, dream and fantasize about them. I will do anything for it to stop, but I don’t know what it takes to purge all these emotions. Believe me, I’ve tried everything to no avail. Nothing and no one can extinguish the flames.
Except them. All it takes is a brush of skin over skin and I’m whole for that one fleeting moment.
I thought I had time to find out how to deal with the entangled lust, and then the worst thing happened a week ago. They vanished. They no longer accepted my calls. Just poof. Twenty years of seeing them in my life every day and then to suddenly have nothing can only be compared to a junkie having their supply ripped away.
It was only by luck and a lot of pleading that I found them at all. I make a mental note to send a thank-you basket to my cousin. He’s got a knack for digging up information no one wants anyone to have.
I tried getting answers out of my father about why my godfathers missed my birthday last week, but only got silence in return. That is, of course, after he gripped me by the throat and forced me to swear to never speak about them again.
“I forbid you from ever seeing them again. Swear it!”
Those harsh words bored into my soul and burn even now.