Page 42 of Mad About Yule

“Maybe you need to change the horizon.”

“I don’t think that’s how horizons work.”

Her little look tells me I’m pushing it. True, but so is she.

“Well, at the risk of giving you an even bigger head, these are turning out beautiful, and that’s all because of you.”

“Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.”

She glows, and I get the feeling she doesn’t hear enough praise. On this project, on her artwork, on her store—I can’t tell which, but I want to change that.

“We had signs made up for our sponsors. We could add one for you if you wanted.”

“I’m sure McBride Landscaping will appreciate it.”

“I was thinking of something likeGriffin McBride’s Custom Woodworking.That’d look pretty good next to the Wonderland.”

She’s not very subtle. All the heat that’d been coursing through my veins over my impromptu massage cools back down.

“You’re obviously skilled at stuff like this. Haven’t you thought about starting your own business here? Maybe if you try—”

“Hope. Leave it alone.”

Her smile shrivels up, and I want to kick myself for snuffing out that light. But I can’t do what she’s suggesting, and I can’t explain it all to her right now.

I can, however, get some of the attitude out of my voice so I don’t drop us right back to the sniping square one we started from.

“Please,” I add gently.

She purses her lips but seems to accept my request.

I go back to the building I’m working on, hoping the drill will smother all the thoughts she’s trying to plant in my head before they can take root and grow like weeds.



I’ve startedto hate the sound of my phone buzzing with text messages.Ping ping ping. I’m suddenly the most popular girl in Sunshine.

Lila: Where are all your Facebook posts?

Lila: You can’t just make the page and do nothing

Lila: You have to build interest

Lila: I’ll send you some ideas

Mom: How are things going with the festival?

Mom: Have you asked Lila her thoughts about it?

Mom: Everything good in the warehouse?

Mom: Things going well with Griffin?

Mom: Don’t forget to take breaks now and then

Mom: Maybe you two can take a night off and get dinner together