Page 108 of Mad About Yule

He hugs me closer, the triumphant light in those gorgeous hazel eyes making my legs go all mushy. I could sob from relief.

“This is why I’m crazy about you.” We’re surrounded by people, but his low voice is just for me. “I love your selflessness, and your enthusiasm. I love the way you create bright, happy art to share with the world. I love the way you don’t back down when you’re mad at me.”

He sighs, settling me closer against him, like he’s finally got everything he wants. “I love the way you make mefeel. That shouldn’t be a complete sentence, but for me it is. I’m not great with feelings, but I want to be, for you.”

“What are you saying?”

His eyes sparkle in the Winter Wonderland lights. “You’re going to make me spell it out?”

“Please do.”

He moves closer until his mouth grazes mine. “I’m in love with you, Hope Par—”

I cut him off with my mouth, repeating my own “I love you” between kisses. His mouth smiling against mine is better than any tree lighting. My heart is so full, it could fill the whole town square. I’m with him, and he’s with me.

Applause sounds around us again, and we break apart to a crowd of raised eyebrows and happy grins. My parents and Lila stand not too far away, clapping with the rest, my mom’s smile biggest of all. A wolf whistle splits the air, and we turn to see Caleb, Rowan, and Kat, cheering us on just as madly.

“I don’t think we’re keeping this on the down-low anymore,” Griffin says, still holding me close.

“I don’t care.” Now that I’ve flipped the dial on my PDA stance, I’m ready to go all in.

“I don’t know, I might not want to be seen kissing my boss.” His arms are wrapped tight around me like he has no plans to let me go. “Gossips might talk.”

“Let them talk. Anyway, I’m not really your boss.”

He smiles down at me until I think my knees will give out. “Yes, you are.”

Town square quiets as the moment finally arrives. We turn to watch the lights on the tree switch on. Green, red, and white lights illuminate huge silver Christmas balls and golden bells in the huge pine. The choir sings “Silent Night,” and swaying starts in the crowd like it’d been choreographed.

As though our singing called it down, fat snowflakes fall over us, and waves of laughter wash through the mass of people. A perfect ending for a perfect night.

I’m happy so many people are here to enjoy this moment, but I’m even happier that I’ve got my man.

Griffin turns me so his chest presses against my back, his arms wrapped around me as we gaze at the tree. He nuzzles his cheek against mine, making my stomach dip as I think about all the nights to come.

“Did you plan the snow, too?”

“Nope,” I say, smiling against him. “This is better than anything I had planned.”



I feel luckierthan George Bailey running up the snowy street in Bedford Falls wishing everyone a merry Christmas.

Hope pulls a batch of cookies out of the oven at her parents’ house while she hums “Jingle Bells.” The deep red sweater she’s wearing just about makes me lose my mind, but I’m trying to focus. Her dad is telling me about his new driver, and I don’t need it to be any more obvious that I’m nuts about his daughter.

They all know. I’m just trying not to be obnoxious about it.

“Do you golf, Griffin?” he asks.

“It’s been a little while, but I play.”

“We should play a round when the course thaws.”

“I’d like that.” Paul Parrish has welcomed me—I don’t want to say into thefamily, exactly—but he treats me as if I’m one of their own. His gentle, fatherly affection means more than I can tell him. “But I’m pretty sure you’ll beat me cold.”

He pats me on the arm like we’re old chums. “Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.”