I nod as I gaze into his warm eyes. “Yeah.”

“That was our bond. It will only get stronger over time.”

“Really?” I say with a chuckle. “Because it’s already pretty strong.”

He moves in with those sexy lips and my whole body starts tingling. His hand cups the side of my face and he pulls me to his mouth. I moan when his soft warm mouth touches mine.

He’s a wonderful kisser. You’d think someone as big and strong as Leo would be firm and rough, but he’s tender and gentle, handling me like I’m the most precious, delicate thing alive.

My head is spinning when he pulls away and gazes into my eyes.

“It’s time for bed,” he whispers as he starts kissing my neck. The demanding spot under my ear is tingling like crazy with his lips so close.

“You’ll stay with me?” I ask in a breathless tone as those magical lips kiss along my bare shoulder. “I don’t want to sleep alone.”

“You’ll never sleep alone again,” he promises.

A weight feels like it’s lifted off my chest. I just want this man with me, forever.

I grab onto his arms and pull him on top of me as I lay down on the mattress. He keeps most of his weight off me, but leaves just enough to turn me on even more.

I’m not wearing any underwear under the clothes he leant me and my body is acutely aware of that fact. My nipples are rock hard as they rub on the inside of his old t-shirt, and my pussy isachingwith need under his pajama pants.

I need him so badly. I want himinme… I want him toownme…

I’m holding the back of his neck as he kisses me in front of the crackling fire. It’s so warm in here. So sexy. The air is filled with heat and I feel like my body might implode it’s burning so hot.

My desperate hands claw at his shirt, trying to pull it off.

He suddenly takes his mouth away from mine, sits up, and grins at me as he pulls his shirt off in one smooth motion.

“Holy…” I whisper as I stare at his naked torso in awe. It’s a mosaic of muscles. A vast massive chest with a perfectly defined six-pack underneath. His shoulders are even sexier without a t-shirt covering them, and his arms… My god, his arms… I want to start a fan club for them. I’ll write them fan mail every day.

Dear arms,

I can stare at you for hours.

Your greatest fan,


He tosses his shirt onto the couch and I let out a little moan when I see his hard gorgeous muscles clenching and tightening with every movement he makes. I’m hypnotized by him. He’s unreal.

That sexy grin is back when he sees me shamelessly gawking at his body.

“It’s all yours, baby,” he says as he grabs my wrist and puts my trembling hand on his stomach. I hold my breath as I touch his flexed abs, marveling at how hard they are and how good they feel. My pussy is burning as I slide my hand up to his chest and explore every inch of it.

“You like that?” he growls.

I nod my head, unable to find any words to describe what I’m feeling.

“You can touch me,” he says as he slides his hands under my t-shirt and up my sides, “wheneverandwhereveryou want.”

I drop my hands with a heavy moan as his palms slide up and he cups my bare breasts.

“Oh,” I moan as my eyes close and my back arches. It feels so good. How can it feel so damn good?

“Yes,” I gasp as he takes my shirt and pulls it up. I lift my shoulders to make it easier for him and my shirt slips off my head, never to be seen again. My breasts tumble free as I lay back down with my firm nipples tingling.