He smiles as he looks at me. “Tara.”

This lucky bitch has the same name as me too? What the hell?

I’mnottalking about this anymore. I might cry.

“That soup smells so good,” I say, desperately trying to change the subject. “Did you make it?”

“I did,” he says as he opens the cupboard. “Let me pour you a bowl.”

I admire his big hulking back and nice round ass as he turns to the stove to fill it up. I know he’s taken, but I still can’t help crushing on him. The man saved me after all. That allows me to have a tiny little crush on him, doesn’t it?

He pours two bowls and then carries them to the table, just gripping them with his bare hands even though they’re probably scorching hot. I grab his wine glass and walk over to join him, sitting at the table across from him.

As I sit down, the violent wind increases and a tree rattles outside. I’m just so happy that I’m safe in here that I can’t help but smile, even if this man and his stupid mate Tara just dumped a bucket of cold water on my sizzling desire.

We eat the soup in comfortable silence as the music plays and the fire crackles and pops.

I’m already feeling more comfortable with Leo than I ever did with my ex-fiancé. I’m glad I’m not with David right now. I’d probably be making excuses on why I couldn’t consummate our wedding vows. ‘I think the shrimp was bad. I’m going to be on the toiletallnight. Rain-check?’

Instead, I’m with Leo, and there’s no place on the planet I’d rather be.

“Why were you wearing a wedding dress?” he suddenly asks, his intense blue eyes locked on me.

Geez, is this guy a mind reader or something?

“I… a… I was… supposed to get… married.”

He swallows hard as he watches me. His body is all tight and he’s sitting up abnormally straight. “But you didn’t, right?”

“No, I couldn’t go through with it.”

He lets out the breath he’s holding and his body loosens. He whispers something under his breath that I can’t quite catch, but I can sense the relief in his tone.

I don’t know why he looks so relieved. He was probably worried that he’d have to deal with a jealous husband. No need to worry about that. David is probably just as relieved as I am that I skipped out on the nuptials.

“Who was the guy?” he asks with a bit of a sharp edge to his voice. “A boyfriend?”

“Not even,” I say, shaking my head as I stir my soup. “My parents set me up with him. It was doomed from the start.”

I go into the details of it, telling him all about David and how my mom wore me down into agreeing to marry him. About what a mistake it all was.

“I couldn’t do it,” I say, feeling awful about what I put everyone through. “My mom is going to be so mad that I ruined everything.”

“You ruined one day of theirs,” he says, his tone softer now. “Better that than ruining your whole life. I think that’s a fair trade.”

I tilt my head as his words bounce around inside my head. “I never thought of it like that.”

He smiles. “That’s what I’m here for.”

We eat in silence for a little longer, and I’m shocked at how comfortable it all is. My mind starts replaying the events of the night and I start to get a bad feeling in my stomach.

This man has a mate and we had many intimate moments. Too intimate for someone who’s taken.

“How is your mate going to feel about… tonight?” I ask, feeling awful that I put both of them in this uncomfortable situation.

He smiles at me like he’s in on a joke that I’m not. “What do you mean?”

“Well… We’re here alone. Eating by candlelight. The music… The bath… And I saw your…”