Page 12 of All of You

He saw the top of her head through the window, heard the door unlock, and with a quick swing open, Martin smiled as his eyes fell onto her. She stood with her hair gathered into a messy bun atop her head. Her shirt, larger than her, with a cat on the front and the words ‘purfect.’ Her black leggings, with flannel socks, pulled over the bottom. At this moment, he knew Rose had done something so quickly that no other woman managed to do his entire life. She captivated him.

“We had a date.” Martin grinned, and Rose with a gasp as he stood before her.



Rose stood in shock. Martin Brock was standing on her front porch. Had she fooled herself to think it would be easy to rid herself of him? It never had, after all. Perhaps he missed the hint when she didn’t attend their meeting spot. She admired his persistence, yet it annoyed her at the same time. She had never been pursued in such a way, not even by her ex-husband. Rose pressed her hand on her hip with a tilt of her head as she exhaled. He looked amazing, she thought, though she made sure to keep her expression one of frustration.

“I would have thought me not showing up was my way of canceling the date,” she said.

Martin shrugged. “I guess I missed that hint.” Rose smiled with her gaze lowered.

She had to admit she enjoyed the banter between them, the sweet way he looked at her, and his grin caused wrinkles outside his eyes.

“Well,” she looked back at him, “you should have paid closer attention.” Martin chuckled with a slight nod as Rose smiled wider, feeling a warmth in her cheeks. No! She screamed at herself. She would not blush or flutter over Martin Brock.

“I know I don’t deserve a second or hell of a third chance with you, but I’m asking. Hell, I’ll beg if you want me to.” He started to lower to his knees when Rose quickly stepped forward.

“Stop.” She glanced around to make sure her neighbors didn’t see, sighing as she looked back at him. Rose would have loved to see Martin Brock on his knees before her. He was begging her to forgive him, pleading for her to go on a date with him. Hell, it had been something she thought of a couple of times, even with how he acted. Who wouldn’t want to be one of the cool kids? Even if they were mean. Date the King of the school.

“I just want this one chance to take you out. After that…”

“I’m sure we missed our dinner reservations,” Rose said. Martin licked his lips with a grin; Rose could have melted at how he looked at her.

“I’ve got the next best thing ready to go if you are.” Rose gasped at his suggestion. He still wanted to go out? She glanced down at her outfit and chuckled.

“I can’t go out in this.” Martin’s gaze never moved from hers, and in that moment, she could feel the blood rush to her face as it grew hotter. The way he looked at her, as though he saw nothing else.

“You look beautiful.” He said softly.

They remained silent for minutes before Rose gave a nervous laugh. “Wow, amazed you said that with a straight face.” She stepped aside, and her arm moved out to motion him inside. “Come on in.”

Rose hid slightly behind the door as he moved past her, as though he hadn’t seen her in her worst outfit. She watched him move into the living room; her eyes closed as his cologne hit her like a bag of bricks. She heard his boots against the wooden floor, his walk light and calmer than she was used to. Licking her lips, she closed the door; her gaze lowered down along his backside while his back was towards her. The corner of her lip lifted with the view; she thought he still had that perfect form.

“This you?” His question brought her gaze back to him, his face lit up by the large grin on his face.

Rose cleared her throat and moved to him, glancing down at the picture he held.

“Yeah, um…” she cleared her throat once more. Did he catch her checking him out? The very thought caused her face to feel as though it was on fire. This couldn’t be happening. “Yes, with my mother.” She finally answered.

“You have her smile.” Rose tried not to smile at his words.

“Make yourself at home. I’m going to change.” Martin never said a word as Rose quickly stepped away from him before rushing up the stairs toward her bedroom.

Rose closed her bedroom door and fell against it with her eyes closed as she tried to breathe. What the hell was she doing? She should have sent him away; he’s about to be a father. He’s the man who tormented her and shaped what she believed and felt with herself. She settled, even with Roy. She never thought she deserved to be treated well or have the loving life every little girl dreams of. She couldn’t give her husband what he deserved, a child, so of course, it was her fault he cheated throughout their marriage.

She had never intended to blame Martin, yet no matter how much she tried to deny it, it all started with him. How he looked at her became how she looked at herself.

Sarah had been the only person she could confide in, leading her to isolate herself from her family. She wasn’t as good as her sister, aunts, or cousins. She was a defect, and reminded of it every day. A knot formed in her throat as the memories started to flood back, anger swelling in her at the very man who stood in her living room. This was her chance to tell him how he made her feel. The effects he caused on her then followed her throughout her life. Perhaps he wouldn't have been so cruel if he knew what she struggled with and what she knew to be her destiny.

Rose quickly dressed in black slacks and a teal silk blouse. She pulled her hair into an updo and fixed her makeup perfectly. As she sat, her reflection staring back at her, she felt nervous. Would he have a comment about her makeup or what she wore? She exhaled before she grabbed her purse and moved from the room with a slow stride. She would do this. She would tell him everything and perhaps be able to finally let go of the pain he had caused so long ago. She stepped around the bottom of the staircase, a soft and short smile along her features as Martin moved to her.

“You look,” her head lowered as she prepared for his rude comment, “beautiful.” Rose returned her gaze to his, a short nod in thanks.

“Where are we going anyway?” she asked with a turn toward the door. Martin, with a quick slide around her as he opened the door.

“It’s a surprise.” A surprise. The thought of him planning a surprise caused her stomach to flip. She exhaled and moved out before him; she would be brave.