Page 11 of All of You

He waited over an hour at the coffee shop they had arranged to meet at. One customer walked in at a time, yet there was no sign of Rose. Martin had a feeling she would do this to him, and the truth was he couldn’t blame her. It was his time to be humbled, his time to be sitting alone. Finishing his coffee, Martin stood just as the bell rang over the door; his glance shifted upward to see Brenda walking in.

Martin chuckled at the sight of his co-worker; what are the odds, he thought. “Brenda.” He approached her, tossing his empty cup into the nearby trash can.

“Well, don’t you look handsome? Did you get dressed up to see me?” she asked with a chuckle as she pressed her palm against his chest with a light shove. Brenda, a woman who could have had any male in the school, became obsessed with him shortly after he started. He knew she had always had a thing for him, a fact his younger self exploited more times than he could count. Martin knew he had to be careful with how he handled her. After all, they did work together.

“I’m on my way out. Date.” He replied. “So, if you’ll excuse me.” He moved around her, though his movements stopped by her hand against his forearm.

“Who’s the lucky girl?” She asked.

Clearing his throat, he turned back to face her. “Rose Denton. She owns the bakery in the center of town.”

“The cupcake person?” Martin licked his lips with a nod.

“The woman who brought the cupcakes, yes.” He confirmed.

“Wait, Rose Denton. You mean the fatty from school?” Brenda laughed. “Why in the world would you be going out with her? I mean, you’re you, and she’s Rose Denton.” Martin’s jaw tightened at the vile comments Brenda made. Had this been how he acted? He lowered his gaze and a sense of anger built inside of him. Not at Brenda but at himself. How could he have treated anyone in such a way? “Is it a pity date or something?” Brenda asked with a step toward him. Martin furrowed his brows with her question.

“You know, perhaps back in the day, I would have joined you in mocking someone else, thinking it was humor. Now, I find it pointless and nothing more than words from an insecure person. We should be aiming to do better than our younger selves.” Martin removed her hand from him. “I would have thought more from someone in your position.” He exhaled. “Now, excuse me, I have a beautiful woman to pick up. Enjoy your coffee.”

“Are you serious?” Brenda asked, offended by his remarks. His glare remained on her a moment longer as he turned; that’s when he saw her. Sarah quickly lowered the menu she held in front of her face and hurried from the shop, Martin quick on her heels.

“Sarah!” He shouted her name as he came up behind her.

“Sorry.” She blurted out as she turned to face him.

“Were you there to watch the date?”

Sarah nodded in confirmation. “I just wanted to make sure everything went okay, and if it didn’t, I’d be there for her.” She frowned.

“Well, she didn’t show up, so…” Martin glanced down as he pulled his keys from his pocket.

“Perhaps it’s just too much right now.” He glanced up at her. “I mean, she’s only been divorced a year, and you’re, well, you’re you after all.”

“I’m not the same guy I was.”

Sarah nodded. “I saw a little of him in there just now.” Martin glanced back down at her statement. Maybe he hadn’t evolved as much as he thought. “Yet, it was in defense of Rose.” His head lifted with a slight nod.

“I just want to take her out. I want to give her a perfect night. I want to make her feel good about herself. Since I was at the start of that downward spiral, it’s only right I fix it.” He admitted.

“You can’t fix the damage you did back then with dinner and small-talk.” Sarah snapped.

“I know, but I’d like to try.”

Sarah tilted her head. “There is more, isn’t there?”

Martin paused with her question. “Truth is, I’ve been unable to stop thinking about her since I saw her.” Sarah smiled with his admittance and nodded her head.

“If you hurt her again, I will cut your man parts off. Okay?” Sarah smiled as she spoke her threat with a peppy voice. “Now give me your phone.” Martin pulled out his phone and handed it over without delay.

He smiled as she started to type. “You know, I don’t remember you being this sassy back in the day.” Sarah handed him his phone with a smirk.

“That would have required you to see me in the dump with the rest of the rejects. Mr. Prom King.” Martin nodded his head with a glance down at his phone. “She will be home.” Without another word, Martin dashed forward in a sprint.

He sat outside her house for fifteen minutes, lost in his doubts. One night. It all came down to one night, and Martin knew it had to be the best. With a quick swipe along his keyboard, Martin rearranged the arrangements he had made for their date. Sarah had told him best; he needed more than a dinner and small talk. He needed more than an apology, which she would never accept. Exhaling with the confirmation text he received from an old high school buddy, he licked his lips and looked over to her house.

Her house was everything he pictured she would have, with rose bushes along the porch and a cottage-looking walking path. It was simple, it was cozy, it was something out of a storybook. With an exhale, he stepped onto her porch and stood before her door. Would she be mad if he showed up at her house? Would she order him away or offer a reason for not showing up at the shop? None of it mattered; he wanted to see her before him again. He approached the door, and the scent of roses moved across him.

He knew she had just gotten divorced. That she did not trust him, but Martin wouldn’t give up. He would beg her, if need be, to give him a single night. With a soft knock, Martin stepped back and waited for her to open the door, his hands cupping before him.