“I have nothing to say,” I replied. “We met at the wrong time, simple as that.” My sister laughed with a quick lift from the chair, her legs flung over the side as she looked at me.
“What kind of shit is that, Natasha?” Her tone was stern. “Since you’ve arrived, I’ve heard nothing but how wonderful he was. How you fell head over heels for him. How he woke you up in every conceivable way. How he rocked your world and made you…”
“Oh my God, Laurel!” Instant regret at how much I had told her. “Enough.” My voice was calmer, pleading.
“So, he’s still hung up on his dead wife.” My mouth parted in shock at her comment.
“So, he feels guilty for feeling something for you. At least you can admit he did indeed feel something like you did for him. Call him!”
“No. I saw the pain in his eyes when I left. He’s not ready for anything with me.” My sister sat in silence for a minute, a sign her mind was working.
“Perhaps he wasn’t then. How do you know he isn’t now? I mean, you left there planning to go back home, yet here you are. You’ve changed in the brief time you’ve been here. Maybe he’s done the same.” I chuckled at her statement and shook my head.
“I don’t think he’ll ever get over her, Laurel.” I looked down at my lap briefly before relaxing back on the chair. “No matter how much I wish he would.”
“Well, if you believe that and are never planning to contact him again. It’s time you move on. Just so happens I set you up on a date for this weekend.” My attention snapped to her instantly.
“Wait, you what?”
“Mark, from the hardware store. He’s a little older than you, but a nice guy.” I couldn’t believe it, the line that my sister had crossed.
“Are you insane?” I asked with a quick stand from the lounger.
“You can’t sit around and be all blah over a man you never plan to see again. It’s a waste of time. You wanted to live. I’m just helping you along.” I started toward the house, my body a quick spin back to her with her blunt words.
“I’ve dated the same man pretty much my entire life. A man who I liked a lot, but never loved. A man our parents set in motion, so much so they had planned our wedding before I could even stomach the thought.” I paused briefly before I continued.
“Then there is the other man in my life, the one that I fell hard for, that I loved no matter the short time he was in my life. Yet, he couldn’t let go of his past, so I lost him.” I made a step in her direction. “Yet you think I’m ready to give man number three a try?”
“Why not?” She asked with a smirk.
“You’ve lost your damn mind.” I returned to the house; my mind shook at how ambivalent my sister was.
The vibration from my phone woke me. My body rolled to its side. The name that stretched across the screen made me smile, two words, all that was messaged. I sat up on the bed, my back against the headboard.
A single lamp on my nightstand the only light that lit the room. The house was silent. Why wouldn’t it be at two in the morning?
“Hey, why are you up?” I asked as the line picked up.
“I could ask you the same question.” Theo’s voice made me smile. He and I had grown closer since I left, talking multiple times nearly every day.
“I’ve not been able to sleep well,” I replied simply. “Everything okay?” It always worried me when Theo contacted me outside normal hours. Had something happened to Anna? Tucker? Rowland?
“Everything is fine, dear. I had seen I missed a message from you earlier during my nightly sneak snack. Thought I would reply, although I didn’t expect you to call me this late.” I lowered my eyes to my lap and exhaled as I brought my knees up against my chest.
“How is he?” I didn’t want to beat around the bush that late. I could hear Theo shuffle on his feet, the sound of the kitchen chair against the floor as he pulled it out. I smiled, picturing him in the kitchen with his baggy night pants and a tee shirt.
“Natasha.” He said my name, and I knew he didn’t want to answer. Had he moved on? Perhaps he finally let go of Paige enough to open himself up more. Maybe he had met someone that offered him more than I could. My mind went wild with thoughts. Him not saying anything told me everything. At least that’s what I thought.
“I’m sorry, I just. I just really needed to hear about him tonight.” I admitted.
“What happened?” He asked, genuine concern in his tone.
“My sister set me up on a blind date. Said I needed to move on with my life.” Theo remained silent and with a few minutes passing, I chuckled. “Lord, I have lost my mind. Perhaps it was a safety measure for my parents planning my life. I mean, look at me. Months on my own and I’m a complete mess.” I rambled.