“Now I can’t even get out of the truck.” I nodded my head and shifted in my seat to face him. I could see he wanted to tell me more, unburden himself, yet Rowland wasn’t a talker of his feelings. I knew that the minute I met him. He was a man who held everything in and played a strong part for everyone around him. He was the kind of man who would suffer before allowing someone he cared for.
He never said her name, but I knew she was in his thoughts. What kind of life would this wonderful man have if he never let her go? Did he know he could? It didn’t mean he didn’t love her or loved her less. Did he know that? I asked myself the questions I wanted to ask him, but couldn’t. No matter how badly I wanted to stay, wanted him to ask me to stay, he had to do it in his own time and way.
“Rowland, I…” He turned his attention back to me, my words stopped when I saw the conflict behind his eyes. I smiled and lifted my palm to his cheek, his eyes closed with my touch. I knew it then; I had fallen in love with this man. How could I walk away from him?
I lifted my body from the seat and moved over to him, his eyes opened with his gaze lifted onto me. I straddled him, my body secured between his sturdy frame and the wheel. If this would be my last night with him, I wasn’t wasting a minute of it; I thought. He brought his hands to my hips, and my fingers lightly brushed through his hair before they rested at the back of his head. Our stares locked onto one another as I waited for him to say something, anything.
I had only been with one man my entire life, the man my parents picked for me. The one I was supposed to marry. The one I knew everything about. And although Rowland and I had done plenty together, everything but make love, and he kept part of him hidden, I had never felt closer to a man in my life. We remained locked in a deep stare, not a single word spoken when suddenly he lifted upward, and our lips crashed together.
My entire body came to life under his kiss, his hold. I wanted him, nothing but him. But I knew better than to force anyone to do anything outside their own time. I had lived my life like that, done things for the sake of others. I wanted more for him, from him. If he was my Winter adventure, my great romance, I would cherish it for that. I felt the tips of his fingers run under my flannel shirt; heat radiated through my body with his touch.
I curved my hips against him, and our kiss deepened. He hadn’t stopped me; he hadn’t indicated he wanted anything but me at that moment. I would give him everything he wanted, needed, and deserved. I pulled back; our glazed-over gazes locked to one another as I brought my fingers to the buttons on my shirt. One at a time, I undid my shirt and pulled apart the material to reveal my chest. I grew nervous with his silence, when he leaned forward, his mouth parted and pressed against my collarbone.
I closed my eyes at the feel of his touch. My head fell back to give him greater access, with a curve of my hips against him. He brought his hand from my hip, yanked down my bra, my breast with a hard bounce free of its confine only a mere second before his mouth closed around my already hard nipple. I let out a soft moan, my body pressed back against the wheel, causing the horn to blast across the opened landscape.
I needed him, not wanted, needed. I brought my frame-up, my fingers with a hard and rapid grip at the bottom of his shirt. We had little space in the front seat of his truck, but it didn’t matter. With a quick lift, I pulled the material from his torso, my eyes lowered to the perfectness of his body. With a lift of my gaze, we locked once more as I waited. Waited for him to stop me, to tell me not yet, but he never did. Would this be it?
My self-asked question was answered with the lift of his body. He pulled and held me against him with a flip of my frame as he laid me on the seat. He remained between my thighs mere seconds before he pulled back. I started to reach for him, bring him back to me, when my movements were stopped by him lifting my legs one at a time with the removal of my boots.
My breathing was faster as I grew nervous. His movements were swift, yet gentle. He undid my jeans and pulled them down with my panties. I licked my bottom lip and waited eagerly for him when I heard the jingle of his belt as he undid it.
As he lowered back down onto me, our stares locked when I felt him. The tip of his cock brushed against my slick lips. My hands lifted to the side of his face as he paused. I knew he struggled with the act, and with a single soft nod, his hips rolled forward and spread me as he entered.
I let out a loud gasped moan, feeling him for the first time. My thighs parted as much as they could to welcome every inch of him. His pelvic pressed tightly against me, the head of his cock deep inside me. I closed my legs around him, my heel pressed into the top of his ass when he started to glide forward with a slow roll upward. He lowered down onto me, his body as though a heavy blanket, with his head beside mine.
My hands pressed hard against his back; my lips parted to a loud moan at his ear with each pump upward. It felt as I imagined, as I dreamed. Pure ecstasy. His breathing grew rapid just outside my ear. A soft moan moved from his lips when he lifted. Our stares connected once more; my nails dug into his bare back with the build of my climax. I wanted more, and I knew leaving him would be even harder now.
He never stopped, his thrust smooth and steady. Unable to hold in the pleasure he caused, I let out a loud moan, my body trembled as I reached climax. Our stares remained locked while I rode out the pleasure he caused. I ran my hands up his back, over his shoulders from the back, my body pressed into a new wave of pleasure with the feel of him. There was no going back from this, from him. I knew that as I stared into his eyes.
It took him only minutes more before I heard him groan and felt him pull from me with a rapid movement. I hated the feel of him gone, the space that had formed between our bodies. With a slow lift to my elbows, I glanced down at him bent over with his shirt in front of him. With a sideways smile, I waited for him to look at me, his lips curved to a grin.
“So much for that shirt.” We both chuckled at his comment. I lifted from the seat and moved over to him; his body shifted to sit upright on the seat. I straddled him once more, unwilling to be apart from him a moment longer than I had to. He dropped his shirt to the floorboard and looked up at me, a grin pulled wider across his features.
I had always thought my friends were crazy about having one-night stands. Having flings. Wouldn’t there be an awkwardness after? How could you bed someone you didn’t or hardly knew? The act seemed unnatural to me, as Andrew had been all I knew. To me, you only laid with the one you were in a committed relationship with. Yet, from the first kiss with Rowland to the first time we made love and everything in between, I never felt more pleasurable and surreal.
“Take me to bed.” My four words were not what he had expected me to say, that was evident from his expression, yet all he seemed to need to hear before he gave me a nod and smirk.
Iknew that night would be the most glorious of my life, yet at the same time, the most painful. If he didn’t ask me to stay, I would leave in the morning. The thought scared me. How could I go back to how things were? Return home, and act as though nothing happened in what was considered the greatest week of my life. I stood with him at the foot of his bed, in the dimly lit room, our gazes locked with one another.
My heart raced in his presence. How could this have happened? How could this man have taken over my mind, my wants, so easily? How could a search for myself have led me to him? What did it mean? I searched for the answers to these thoughts, yet as I stood before him, none of them mattered. Just him. Just that moment. There was nothing else.
In just his briefs, I stood with a slight tremble at his delicate touch. His fingers ran along my smooth skin, down my arms, then around my hips, his frame a tower over mine. The crackle of the fire could be heard from the other room, the only sound other than our breathing and my heartbeat. He had me mesmerized, lost in every small touch. Warmth filled the cabin and yet my skin erupted in goosebumps the moment his lips pressed against the side of my neck.
My eyes closed without delay; my mouth parted with a gasp. He stepped closer to me, my arms lifted, and glided up his sides and around to his back. I could feel the definition of his muscles, my body reacting, my knees weak. His mouth lowered along my chest, down to my breast, and his beard offered a tickle against my nipple. Our bodies shifted and before I could register our positions had changed, I felt the cool sheets under me, his frame pressed firmly down on top.
He kissed along my stomach; his body descended with his movements. My hands pressed over his strong shoulders; my gut filled with anticipation. I knew where his trail led, and what ecstasy I would soon feel at the acts of his skilled tongue. His fingers slid under the hem of my panties; my ass lifted briefly with the removal of the thin material. My gaze set on him, his lifted momentarily to me before his head lowered.
My breathing hitched; my legs lifted to a bend as I felt him wrap his arms around my thighs. With a hard yank, my body was pulled into him. I felt the wideness of his tongue as it licked over my lips once, twice, three times before parting them.
He flicked around my clit as my back arched from the bed. My fingers pushed through his thick hair, my hips with a slow circular motion against him. His beard rubbed over my lips with his mouth a suction around my swollen clit. He brought me to climax, and my mouth parted with a loud moan of pleasure. My body trembled and relaxed down onto the bed.
I gazed down at him, taking in the magnificent sight of his now naked form. The sight of his hard cock only made me crave him more. The short distance between us felt like an eternity. He crawled over me; his hand slid along my thigh as he lifted it to hold against the side of his frame. I braced myself as much as I could. Our stares connected when I felt him slide into me. I let out a groan. His pelvic continued a slow glide forward, with his thick shaft parting my walls, his head hitting deeper than it had before.
My arms moved under his, my fingers pressed into his skin with the start of his thrust. Back and forth his hips pumped, not once did his body move from its hard covering over mine. I tried to keep my gaze on him, take in the beauty of his expressions while every inch of him claimed me. Yet, as his hips started to thrust harder, my nails started to dig into his back, and my head lifted as I clung to him.
I bit at his shoulder; loud moans were unable to be held back as I lifted my pelvic to push up against him.