“You… better… she’s a sweet girl… have you told her?” My brows crinkled in confusion at what I could pick out. Theo spoke to his son in a frustrated tone. “Safe…” the older man’s tone suddenly changed, softer. “You’ve come so far.” I waited by the table a short while more before Rowland returned inside.
“Everything okay?” I asked as he closed the door. He had an expression on his face as though he were conflicted, confused. He nodded his head in reply to my question, another step into the house before he stopped dead center of the home.
“I have to travel into town, after all.” I nodded my head in understanding. “I should take you back to the main house, just in case I don’t make it back before the next dumping of snow.” What had I missed in his conversation with his father? Saddened, I nodded my head.
“Okay, I understand.” He gave a single nod before he made his way toward the bedroom.
“I’ll get your coat.” He left the room without a look back. Slowly, I sat on one of the chairs, confused about how things could have changed so quickly.
After Rowland dropped me and Tucker off at his parents’ home, we both spent the day in the bedroom I occupied. Many thoughts went through my mind during the time I lay in the center of the bed, my hand rubbing along Tucker’s side. So much had changed since I had left my home, since Rowland had found me on the side of the road, since just the night before. I knew this wouldn’t be something long term. Was I okay with that?
My entire life, I’d been with one man. Could I be the one-night stand? Be the woman who had a fling? Could I keep my mind and heart separated? Would I be able to walk away when the time came? I rolled my gaze in Tucker’s direction as a soft smile pulled to my lips at the sleeping dog. It was in those minutes of silence I heard the chime from my phone.
With a quick lift, I snatched the device from the nightstand. The missed calls and texts brought a smile to my lips. I wanted to check in with my parents, yet there was one person I had to contact while I was able. I ran my hand along Tucker’s side and stood with a quick dial of my sister’s number. I brought the phone to my ear as I approached the window, my stare set on Rowland’s small home in the distance.
“Don’t tell me you’re still trapped in that town.” My sister didn’t bother saying hello. My smile grew larger with her teasing tone.
“Muddy Waters.” I corrected.
“Yeah, Muddy Waters.” She repeated with a sarcastic tone. “You know I goggled that place and even google couldn’t bring shit up on it. Like, how do you find the one town google doesn’t recognize?” She chuckled with her question. I wanted to find humor in what she said and yet her remarks only made me wonder if I did arrive here for some unknown reason.
“Laurel, I need your advice.” I turned and sat on the bench. Would she give me a lecture? Hell, I couldn’t blame her if she did. Laurel was an experienced woman. She had been in love and lost love. She had adventures and felt pain and happiness. She lived so much more than I had, even with our close ages.
“What’s his name?” My sister always said what she thought and very little got past her. I smiled and glanced at the floor.
“Hmm. Well, tell me about this Rowland.” She added. I heard the sigh on the other end of the line.
“He’s so handsome. Tall. Blue-grey eyes. His hair is a medium brown and his beard, it’s so thick.” I paused with a warmth brought to my cheeks. “He’s got the sexiest body, not like super fit and sculpted, but with a little meat on him. His lips, they…”
“His lips?” Laurel interrupted. “Cookie, have you slept with this man?” I wanted to die. I smiled and knew my cheeks turned red, even though I remained in the room with only Tucker. “Holy fuck, woman, are you crazy?” My silence was all the answer my sister needed.
I knew I should have corrected her, yet what harm would it hurt her thinking I had slept with Rowland? She would never meet him, and the truth was, I wanted to. I spun around on the bench and looked out at his cabin with a coy smile stretched across my lips. I could hear the shock in my sister’s tone, her ramblings, as she told me how horrible a fling would be for me, especially in that current moment of my life.
“What does that mean?” I asked quickly.
“You’ve only been with Andrew, and you’ve only been away from him for what, three days? Shit, you just ended things with him before you left on the trip, then you meet this guy and… fuck Cookie. My head is about to explode here.” Was she right? I started to ask myself, with her rambling.
“I just got carried away.”
My tone was softer, and the smile faded. “There is something about him that just pulls me in. He makes me feel and think things I’ve never felt before.”
“Course he does. He’s something new, different. You’re being blinded by the shiny things. You took this trip to break free of our parents’ control, of Andrew’s. Do you think maybe this guy is the way you’re doing that?” No, she couldn’t be right. There was something more between Rowland and me, I knew it.
“No, there is just this connection I can’t explain. I know you think I’m crazy, but… even with the pictures of the blonde, something is pulling us together.”
“Blonde? What blonde?” I closed my eyes with her question and exhaled. “Holy fuck, are you screwing a married man?”
“No!” I snapped.
“Did he tell you that?”
“He… I mean, he…”
“Fuck’s sake, Cookie. You stay away from that man! You don’t need to be messing with some country woman’s man.” I parted my lips to respond when suddenly, two clicks echoed through my ear and the line went dead. I exhaled and lowered the device to my lap with a turn back out the window.