Page 16 of Rescuing Rebel

Later that night, I open my door to find Ethan freshly showered, holding a bouquet of wildflowers. The care and hopefulness shining from his eyes melt something inside me. No one has ever looked at me that way.

We enjoy dinner at a cozy restaurant on the waterfront, and conversation flows easily. Laughter comes quickly to my lips for the first time in ages. Away from The Facility and Guardian HRS, we’re simply a man and woman sharing an intimate meal.

Exploring a fragile new connection.

Over dessert, Ethan’s eyes turn serious. “You’re an unexpected breath of fresh air.” He brushes his fingers over my wrist.

My throat tightens at his sincerity, but old instincts aren’t silenced so easily. The thought of giving someone power over me again chills my blood. Sensing my hesitation, Ethan squeezes my hand. Unspoken words shine from his eyes. He’s offering me a choice unlike any I’ve had before.

That means everything.

In answer, I bring his hand to my lips in a feather-light kiss, pouring all the words I can’t yet say into it. The promise of warmth and shelter in his arms calls like a siren song. I’m still afraid, but I believe I can be brave with him.

Outside my room, I tug Ethan into a long, scorching kiss. Trusting him feels terrifying and freeing all at once. When we break apart, there are tears in my eyes.

“Stay with me tonight?” It comes out barely a whisper, and I hold my breath, willing him to say yes.

Ethan’s eyes widen fractionally. He understands what I’m asking and what it signifies. Wordlessly, he brushes his lips to my forehead.

“Not yet. I would love nothing better than to spend the night with you, but I don’t want to rush things. You need time to process what happened to you. To heal and decide where you want your life to go from here. I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to take that step just yet.”

Disappointment crashes through me. Doesn’t he want me in that way? I try to keep the hurt from my eyes.

“Shouldn’t I be the one to decide when I’m ready?”

He rushes to explain. “It’s only because you mean so much to me. I don’t want to rush physical intimacy until you’re absolutely certain it’s right for you. After what you’ve been through, it’s too soon. I don’t want to take advantage of you or have you regret doing something that should be special.”

I love how he saysphysical intimacyrather thansex.Somehow, it makes it feel as if having sex with him will mean a lot more than simple physical pleasure.

“You’re infuriating. I’m literally inviting you to spend the night with me.”

“And I’m politely declining.” He folds me into his strong embrace. “I’m not looking for a one-night stand. I want something real. Something that lasts beyond your stay at The Facility.” Leaning back, he pushes the hair back from my face. “Isn’t that something worth waiting for?”

“For how long?”

“Until you know without a shadow of a doubt that this is what you want.”

“I want this.” I try to drag him into my room, but he resists.

“There’s tension in your shoulders, a hitch in your breath, and fear in your eyes. We have plenty of time to get to know each other. I’m not going anywhere.”

I want to argue more, but the sincerity in his eyes stops me. He’s offering to set aside his own desires to protect my heart. That simple act means everything.

I fold my arms across my chest and huff with false indignation. The truth is, I respect Ethan for wanting to take things slow.

My problem is I don’t have a lot of time to waste.

More time passes, another couple of weeks. It feels like a dream. Ethan spends all his free time with me, enveloping me in the safety of his world. We cook dinner together and talk late into the night. Make weekend trips up the coast just because. Share a hundred quiet moments I tuck away like jewels.

I know the staff at The Facility whisper about why a man like him is with someone like me. Broken. Damaged goods. But Ethan never tries to change me, even the hardest edges. His quiet faith soothes my jagged pieces until they begin to fit back together again.

Despite the idyllic haze, there’s an undercurrent of restlessness in me. A clock ticking at the back of my mind, reminding me this interim period at The Facility can’t last.

Leaving will hurt him, but I have no choice other than to continue on my path. I selfishly cling to every moment we share, memorizing the sensation of being cradled in his arms. My time with Ethan has always been a gift I’ll treasure for the rest of my life.

But all good things must come to an end.