Page 13 of Rescuing Rebel

Ethan moves closer, his brilliant blue eyes roaming my face. “It’s a nice spot to get away and think. I come out here myself sometimes.”

“You do?” I peer up at him through my lashes.

He nods, hands sliding casually into his pockets. “Yeah, it’s a great place to clear your mind.”

I sweep my hair over one shoulder, angling my body toward him. “That’s exactly what I needed today—fresh air to clear my mind.”

Sensing him about to ask again if I’m okay, I hold up one hand to forestall the question. “I’m fine. Just had to get out of ‘Art Therapy’ and that stuffy room.”

Ethan’s blue eyes delve into mine, as if trying to decide whether I’m being truthful. He moves even closer, and I’m enveloped by his woodsy scent on the ocean breeze.

Comforting, inviting.

“It helps to talk through what you’re feeling. Bottling it up often makes things worse. I’ve got a willing ear if you need it.” He reaches out and touches the tip of my shoulder.

His concern seems so genuine. So real. A small part of me wants to open up and share the real reason that brought me here—the truth, not the lie he knows.

He strikes me as an honest man, a true protector.

Dare I say a hero?

But I force aside that momentary weakness, aiming to steer the conversation to lighter territory. I let out a small, strangled laugh instead.

“I’m not one for deep talks about feelings.” I wave a dismissive hand. “I’d much rather enjoy these amazing views... Unless you have something more fun in mind?”

Unable to resist, I reach out and squeeze his bicep in appreciation. Taut muscle flexes under my exploring fingertips. Out of the corner of my eye, his throat works as he swallows.

Men react to touch. It’s one tool out of many in my arsenal of seduction.

Hard muscles tense under my fingers.

“Well, uh…” Ethan pauses, gaze dipping briefly to my lips before skittering away. “There’s plenty of nature and wildlife to enjoy around here, if you need a distraction.”

I perk up, interest piqued. Keeping my voice coy, I take a half step closer, fully in his personal space now. “Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?” I lightly trail my fingertips along his forearm.

Ethan stands his ground, towering over me. This close, I can see his pulse throbbing in his neck. “The tide pools have an amazing little ecosystem if you want to check them out.” His voice takes on a deliciously lower octave.

I press close, drawn like a moth to a flame. “That sounds perfect. I’d love for you to show me.”

We’re now only a breath apart, tension crackling in the scant space between us. His earthy scent surrounds me, the heat of his body calling to me like a siren song. I can almost taste his lips, they’re so close...

The world blurs into nothingness, leaving us suspended in a pocket of escalating sexual tension. The crashing waves fade into white noise as we stand in this electric moment.

Ethan’s piercing eyes hold mine, our thundering heartbeats seeming to match pace.

After an endless moment, he steps back, breaking the spell. My skin prickles from the sudden absence of his warmth and proximity.

“At low tide, we can explore the tide pools safely down on the beach.” Clearing his throat, Ethan gestures to the cliffside path.

Eager for a glimpse of our destination below, I scamper to the very brink of the cliff’s edge, but the loose gravel shifts treacherously beneath my feet. Suddenly, I teeter off-balance, tottering far too close to the precipice.

My heart leaps into my throat, but Ethan’s strong arm coils around my waist before panic can take hold. He yanks me back against him, my back crashing against his solid chest.

The abrupt, almost jarring contact with his hard body steals my breath and overwhelms my senses. I gasp, disoriented, my footing still unsteady. Ethan’s grip on my waist is the only thing keeping me upright.

Pulse racing, I twist in the cradle of his arms to face him. My hands land reflexively on his rock-hard chest, feeling the thrum of his racing heart beneath my palms. Our faces are mere inches apart.

Looking up, I meet his gaze. He looks genuinely alarmed, his eyes a deep well of untamed concern. The moment stretches; gravity seems to alter, my world narrowing to the space between his eyes and mine.