Henry spun around to face me and declared, “Yes!”

Sam laughed. “Okay, buddy. I know you want to look around, but it’s way past your bedtime, and we’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

Henry’s face fell. “Ahhhh, but I’m not tired!”

Sam arched a brow. “I don’t want any arguments. Ryan, can you show us a room Henry can sleep in?”

I nodded. “Oh, yeah. We’ve got a few, but I think I know which one he’ll like best.”

Henry appeared curious at that. “Really? Can I see it?”

“Of course! Follow me, bud.”

I led both of them up the stairs to the second floor and down the hallway to my old bedroom from when I was a kid.

I opened the door, and he trotted inside ahead of me. The room was clean and orderly, which it definitely had not been when I was younger.

Dad had kept it about the same as it had been when I’d left for college, though. Posters of old bands and action movies still hung on the walls, and some of my action figures and collectibles were still out and on display on shelves and dressers.

“Cool,” Henry said as he took in my old room. “Was this yours?”

I nodded. “It was. Is this a good room to spend the night in?”

Grinning, Henry replied, “Yeah, I like it!”

“Good,” Sam said. “Let’s get you ready for bed, then.”

Henry was less hesitant as Sam helped him get into his pajamas. I showed them a bathroom down the hall where he could brush his teeth and use the toilet.

I hung back and floated in the background as the two went through their evening routine.

I felt a little bit awkward, but I was also grateful that I was able to at least witness this.

It was a peak into the intimate moments of their everyday lives, when it was just the two of them. I was eager to be part of it, but I knew I had to be invited and that hadn’t happened quite yet, but I was getting close. I just had to be patient.

Once he was ready, Sam took him back into the bedroom to tuck him in. She sat on the edge of his bed and brushed her hand over his forehead.

“Okay, baby,” she said in a soft voice. “You’re going to be a good boy and go to sleep, right? No messing around.”

“I’ll go right to sleep,” Henry promised her. “I promise, Mama.”

She smiled and pressed a kiss to his head. “All right. Goodnight, sweetie. We’ll see you in the morning, and we’re going to have such a fun day!”

Henry grinned, his little nose crinkling. “Yeah!”

Sam glanced over to me, hovering by the door, and waved me over.

“Come say goodnight,” she said.

Surprised but happy, I crossed the room and stood beside the bed.

“Goodnight, buddy,” I murmured.

Henry gave me a tired smile. “Goodnight, Ryan.”

Sam stood, and Henry’s eyes began to flutter, the excitement of the day catching up to him. He was asleep before we even made it to the hallway. I closed the door carefully, so I didn’t accidentally wake him up.

“Thanks,” I whispered.