He looked up and nodded. I was stunned at the sight of tears in his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m happy,” he said in a choked voice. “Really happy, but…God, Sam, for a moment, I thought I might have lost you, and that terrified me. I realized that I can’t live without you, Sam. I love you. So much. I know I can’t take back what I did, but I want to spend the rest of my life making that mistake up to you. I never want to be without you and Henry again. I know you probably are still cautious about me, and I know it’ll take me time to totally earn back your trust, but I promise I will dedicate my life to doing just that if you give me the chance.”

My heart swelled at his words, and I felt tears in the corners of my own eyes. His expression shifted to one of astonishment as he stared at me.


“I love you, too,” I said in a soft voice. “I love you, Ryan, and I don’t want to live without you either.”

“What?” he gasped, shaking his head. “But…but how could you…after what I did…”

I raised my hand and brushed my fingers through his hair.

“It doesn’t matter anymore,” I assured him. “I know you wish you could go back and change things. I know you regret leaving. I don’t want the past to steal our future from us, though. I want us to move forward together, as a family. Do you think we can do that?”

His mouth curled into a wide smile, and he eagerly nodded. “Yes, yes, absolutely we can. If you’re willing to give me the chance, I absolutely believe we can move forward.”

I let out a joyful laugh and pulled him in for an ecstatic kiss. He returned my kiss eagerly, but he was careful not to hold onto me too tightly. He seemed afraid he would hurt me, but I wanted to feel his body pressed against mine, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. He chuckled, seeming to understand what my aim was, and tightened his grip on me as our kiss turned even more passionate. Our tongues tangled, and for a moment, I thought about dragging him into the bed with me completely, but the sound of someone’s throat clearing made us both freeze.

“Well, now, I’m going to have to bleach my eyes. Thanks for that, you guys.”

My cheeks heated. I let out an embarrassed chuckle at the sound of Jason’s voice. Ryan groaned, but he was reluctant to pull away from me. When he finally did, I could see my brother and Mandy standing in the doorway of my room. They were still dressed in their wedding clothes.

“Oh, my gosh, guys,” I said, guilt squeezing my stomach. “I’m so sorry. I ruined the night.”

“You stop that right now,” Mandy ordered, hurrying to the side of my bed not occupied by Ryan’s hulking form. She took my hand and squeezed it. “We’re just happy you’re all right!”

“If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me,” Ryan said sighed. “I thought I could handle Bill without having to get anyone else involved, but I underestimated how insane he’d become.”

Jason came up beside him and clapped him on the shoulder. “It’s all right, buddy. It is, in fact, your fault, but I’m a good friend and willing to forgive you.”

“Jason, be nice,” Mandy scolded.

Ryan just rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, Mandy. He’s just being his usually asshole self.”

I chuckled at that. “Must be why you two are such good friends. You both have a bit of an asshole streak.”

Ryan leaned down to nip at my nose at that. “Watch yourself, baby. I’ll put you over my knee for saying things like that.”

“Gross,” Jason said, pretending to gag.

Ryan smirked at him. “Deal with it. Sam’s mine now, and I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep my hands off her.”

Mandy’s face lit up with a wide smile. “Oh! Did you guys finally reconcile? I’m so happy to hear that. I’ve been rooting for you both.”

I blinked at her, surprised. “Wait, you knew about us?”

Ryan and I both turned to stare at Jason. He looked momentarily guilty, but then he threw his hands into the air.

“What’d you expect?” he exclaimed. “She’s my wife! You really think I wouldn’t tell the person closest to me about you two idiots and your drama? She’s the only one who kept me from beating Ryan’s ass these last few days.”

I grinned. “Well, thanks for that, Mandy. I appreciate you looking out for my man.”

Jason looked like he was in physical pain. “I’m going to be sick. Seriously.”

“Oh, stop being so dramatic and just be happy for us,” I told him.

My brother looked at me, his gaze loving, and nodded.