The nurse checked my vitals and looked me over before she started asking me questions.

“How are you feeling?”

I released a breath. “Fine, physically, anyway. Things are a bit cloudy in my head, though. I can’t remember everything that happened…”

“That’s normal, based on the trauma you went through,” the nurse explained. “Things will come back to you. Get clearer. You don’t have any head injuries, so that’s nothing we have to worry about.”

“Okay. To be honest, I’m not sure I want to remember.”

The nurse gave me a sympathetic look. “That’s totally understandable. You shouldn’t worry, though. You’ve got a lot of people around who can help you process everything. Big guy here has hardly left your side since you were brought in.”

I glanced toward Ryan. His cheeks were bright red, and he turned his gaze away, as if he were embarrassed. It was rather adorable and made me smile.

“Yeah, he’ll be my rock,” I murmured.

The nurse grinned. “Lucky girl. Okay, everything looks good. I’m going to go ahead and go, but if you need anything, just buzz, all right?”

I nodded. “All right. Thank you.”

I watched the nurse leave before turning my eyes to Ryan.

“Hey,” I murmured.

He surged forward, coming around to the side of the bed and pulled a chair up close so he could sit right next to me and take my hand.

“Jesus, Sam,” he said in a relieved, breathless tone. “I was so scared. When you passed out…shit, I couldn’t stop thinking the worst, and then you didn’t wake up.”

I squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry for scaring you.”

He chuckled and shook his head, dropping his forehead to rest on the bed.

“You’re apologizing,” he murmured. “Why am I surprised? You’re incredible, Sam.”

I frowned. “Don’t tease me.”

He looked up at me. “I’m not. I’m being serious. You’re incredible, Sam. The most incredible woman I’ve ever met.”

The corner of my mouth twitched as I fought a grin. Then, I gasped, panic threatening to overwhelm me again.

“Where’s Henry?” I demanded to know, looking around the room frantically, as if he was going to pop out of some sort of hiding place at any moment.

“Hey, hey,” Ryan cooed as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry. Henry’s safe. He’s with your parents at their house. They’re taking care of him and told him that you got sick, but that you’re going to be just fine so he doesn’t panic about where you went.”

Relief washed through me, and I sank into my pillows, a breath of air puffing past my lips.

“Thank goodness,” I murmured. Knowing my son was safe let my brain latch onto my other major worries. “Um, what about…what about that Bill guy? What happened to him?”

Ryan’s expression was tender as he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. The gesture was soothing, and I was able to relax while I waited to hear his answer.

“Bill has been taken into custody,” he told me. “He won’t be a problem anymore. You’re safe.”

I was so happy to hear that, I wanted to sob. I laid my head back against my pillow and closed my eyes.

“Thank God,” I breathed. “It’s over.”

Ryan didn’t say anything in response. Curious, I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was bent over the bed next to me, his head in one hand while his other clutched mine.

“Ryan?” I whispered. “What is it? Aren’t you happy Bill’s been caught?”