They were huddled around one of the kegs, cups in hand, talking to each other, seemingly unaware of the girls hovering around and eyeing them with obvious interest.

He looked so cool and at ease. I began to wonder if maybe Ishouldtell him how I felt. Maybe Jessica was right…what better time would there ever be?

Maybe I was drunker than I’d thought.

Whatever. Alcohol might be just what I needed to gain the courage to talk to him.

“Okay.” I nodded.

Jessica appeared surprised. “Okay?”

“Yeah!” I clapped my hands together, pumping myself up. “Yeah, I’m going to do it. You’re right! Why not? Why shouldn’t I tell him how I feel?”

“Hell, yeah!” Jessica declared. “That’s my girl! What are you going to do, exactly?”

I pondered that question a moment before saying, “I’m…not sure. I think I’ll probably just wing it?”

Jessica nodded in approval. “Love it. Flawless. Now, get on over there and get your man.”

She shoved me forward. After a few seconds of stumbling, I regained my balance and kept walking toward Ryan. Jason was distracted talking to a girl, so I walked right up to Ryan, who was getting more beer from the keg, without incident.

“Hey!” I exclaimed, stopping next to him.

He furrowed his brow and gave me a confused smile. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Not much,” I replied with a shrug, fighting down another giggle that was bubbling up within me. “What’s up with you?”

“Not too much,” he answered.

“Are you happy to be home?”

A strange expression flashed across his face. I wasn’t able to tell what it was, it was there and gone again so fast, but it wasn’t a happy expression.

“It’s fine.” He shrugged, his tone a bit strained.

I frowned in concern and put a hand on his arm without thinking. I got momentarily distracted by the firmness of his bicep and gave it a small squeeze.

He glanced down at my hand with an amused, little smile and then looked back up at me.

“I’ve been working out,” he teased. “Can you tell?”

I blinked and realized I was basically just feeling up his arm at that point.

“Sorry,” I murmured, though I didn’t drop my hand. “I’m trying to comfort you.”

He chuckled softly. “I appreciate the concern, but I promise, I’m okay.”

“Are you sure? You’ve got that wrinkle in your forehead that you always get when something’s on your mind.”

“Really? I didn’t realize that happened.”

I nodded. “It also happens when you’re concentrating or plotting.”

“Plotting? I look like I’m plotting something?”


In a teasing tone, he asked, “You’ve got a lot of insight into me, it seems. I’m curious what you’d think I’d be plotting.”