When I was alone, I sighed, bracing my hands on the kitchen sink and hung my head. I didn’t want Jason to know that I was barely holding it together.

Things were a lot tighter than he knew. I was barely scraping by with my job at the bookstore downtown. I loved working there and knew I could have a future there if I was able to stick it out just a little longer.

I was determined to make it on my own, though.

For six years, I’d taken care of myself and Henry without anyone’s help. Not because I had to, but because I refused to rely on anyone else for anything. I’d put my faith in another person before, and I’d been left burned and heartbroken…and pregnant.

Gritting my teeth, I forced my mind not to go there, not to think of him.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and jerked away from the sink. I put on a smile and turned just as Jason reappeared in the kitchen doorway.

“Henry’s getting his shoes on,” Jason said. “He’ll be down in a sec.”

I nodded. “Okay. Thanks for helping him out. I really do appreciate it. We’re lucky to have you around, Jason.”

He gave me a half-grin, but there was something in his eyes that told me he had something on his mind.

“What is it?” I asked. “Something’s bothering you. I can tell.”

“Sorry.” He sighed. “I know you don’t need any help, but couldn’t you reach out to Henry’s dad? The guy owes you big time.”

“Jason, no,” I said with a firm shake of my head. “Don’t go there. I mean it.”

His nostrils flared, and his jaw clenched.

“Fine,” he grumbled. “I just thought I’d mention it. Deadbeat bastard could contribute something.”

I bit my lip and looked away from my brother. Guilt twisted my gut.

I’d never told Jason that I’d had sex with Ryan, let alone that he was Henry’s father.

I’d never told anyone.

Even Ryan didn’t know about Henry, but I didn’t think that mattered. He hadn’t been back to town since the night of my eighteenth birthday all those years ago.

Ryan Carson had packed up and moved on without so much as a backward glance.

As far as I was concerned, he didn’t exist anymore.

At that moment, Henry came barreling down the stairs and into the kitchen, dressed and ready.

“Time to go, Mama!” he exclaimed.

“You’re right, buddy. “It is time to go. Jason, was Mandy going to stop by to look at those wedding favors?”

“I think so,” Jason answered. “She mentioned something about it before I left the house.”

I groaned. “Dude, you have to pay closer attention to this stuff. The wedding is only a few weeks away. You need to be on your game.”

“I know, I know,” Jason sheepishly replied. “I promise, I’ll do better.”

I snorted. “For Mandy’s sake, I hope so.”

Mandy, Jason’s fiancé, was a sweet girl with more patience than I could ever be capable of. She needed it to be with Jason.

“I’ll double-check with her after I meet with Ryan.”

I froze, my blood seeming to chill in my veins.