Page 14 of Remember When

“Now you’re going to immerse each plaster gauze strip in the warm water, keeping it straight and flat.” She demonstrated and smoothed the damp strip onto Jules’ skin. She lingered just long enough to ensure Ben had the technique down and was applying the strips correctly. “Work from the top down. Overlap the layers just enough that the cast will hold its shape when dry.”

She left them alone, the process taking on an unexpectedly sensual pleasure. The slight chill in the air contrasted with Ben’s warm hands and the damp strips of gauze. His caresses were reverent, while his gaze was hot.

“Oh, this is so sexy,” he crooned, giving extra attention to the strip covering her breasts.

“How are you doing?” Siglinde peeked in through the curtain.

“Almost done.” Ben sat back on his heels, examining his handiwork. “Maybe you should check.”

With deft hands, she smoothed out a few wrinkles and added a couple more strips.

“It has to dry about ten minutes before we remove it.” Siglinde tucked her long blonde hair behind her ears and nodded with approval. “Ben, you can clean up in there. Jules, how about a glass of cold water. You’ve been sitting for quite a while.”

She was sipping the water when Ben returned, bits of plaster dotting his jeans and shirt. “Will you paint something on the cast when it’s completely dry? Siglinde appears very talented, but it would mean so much more if you did it.”

“Anything?” Ben’s mind was already churning with ideas.

“Anything.” She struggled to remain still on the chair. “You know what means the most to me.”


37 Weeks

Jules and Bensat in Dr. Navi’s office, waiting for the results of their biweekly appointment. The week had started out fine but gone steadily downhill. In addition to dizziness and mood swings, Jules was now battling daily headaches.

Dr. Navi strode into the room, his smile obviously forced. “I just got off the phone with Dr. Kettner.” He leaned a hip on the corner of his desk, not bother to sit. “We can’t wait any longer to remove the tumor. It has to come out now.”

“This week?” Ben asked.

“Today.” Dr. Navi didn’t bother to hide his concern any longer. “I’ve already called over to the hospital. Dr. Kettner will meet us there. As soon as Skye is delivered, Jules goes into surgery.”

Jules went numb. The only thing she could feel was the icy cold penetrating her hands and feet. It was happening.

“My bag is packed.” She heard her voice, eerily calm and as if coming from far away. “We’ll swing by the house to pick it up—”

“No, no, no, Mrs. Rosner.” The doctor shook his head emphatically. “Leave my office and go straight to the hospital. The delivery suite is being prepared as we speak.”

“What happened?” Ben asked. “Why the urgency?”

“I expected the symptoms to remain consistent,” Dr. Navi said. “They have progressed in a much more aggressive fashion. We may have waited too long as it is. I’m sorry.”

A wave of lightheadedness washed over her. “The baby?”

“Dr. Kettner said she’ll be fine. She might need a few days in the NICU, but he doesn’t anticipate any problems.” Dr. Navi gave them both a penetrating look, his gaze returning to Jules. “It’s you we’re worried about, Mrs. Rosner.”

“Let’s go, babe.” Ben shot to his feet, curving his arm around her waist. “We’ll see you shortly, Doctor.”

Neither one spoke on the short drive over to the medical center. Jules felt like she was looking down at her body from up above. As if the frantic but controlled actions were happening to someone else.

Ben answered the questions at the intake desk.

They rode the elevator to the fourth floor and were admitted to Labor and Delivery. A nurse secured a plastic identification band to her wrist, then to Ben’s. They sent him out of the room as she was prepped for the C-section, and she was alone.

Scared and confused with men and women in scrubs scurrying around her and issuing commands. She followed their instructions, never releasing her grip on her belly.


This was all for Skye. They’d done it. Made a baby together. Soon she would be in her parents’ arms.