
The next morning, I fucked Jhorie awake, then made her shower and get dressed when I sensed she would have preferred to climb back in bed to sleep for a few more hours. By lunch we were pulling up at Divine Vine out near Blue Mountain Resort.

The drive had been nice. Although most of it I’d had to endure in the solace of my thoughts because Jhorie fell asleep ten minutes into the drive. When she woke, glanced out the window, then back at me with the cutest smile of confusion on her face, I leaned across the seat, delivered a soft peck to her lips, and urged her to get out.

“Where are we?” Her eyes bounced around as her palm slipped against mine and we walked to the smoked glass doors that opened as soon as we neared them. Shortly after we were greeted by one of the tour concierges.

“Welcome to Divine Wines.” He smiled at us. When I tipped my head to him, his focus was on me. “Mr. Omari, Ms. Bashar has everything set up for you.”

“This is your friend’s vineyard?”

“It is. I called and asked if she would mind us spending a few hours here today. Is that okay with you?”

“Do I get to leave with wine?”

I chuckled and kissed her cheek. “You can leave with whatever you want.”

“Hmm, that sounds like a challenge.”

“One I can handle. Do your best.” I winked and our host took over.

“I have a tour of the property set up then the two of you have a private dinner which will be prepared and brought to the lower levels in the Vintage Suite.”

“That will be fine. Thank you.”

“Follow me please.”

“Vintage Suite?” Jhorie grinned up at me and I nodded. “That sounds fancy.”

“It’s more exclusive than fancy. Vintage Suite is the cellar where Naima keeps the specialty blends.”

“Cellar as inactualcellar?” Jhorie scrunched her nose and I grinned and nodded.

“Very much anactualcellar.”

“Then I take that back. There’s nothing fancy about eating dinner in a cellar.”

I kissed the top of her head, inhaling the light scent of mango from her shampoo. “Consider it an honor. It seems my dear friend is trying to impress the woman in my life.”

“By gifting us dinner in a cellar?”

I smirked as we moved through the small hallway that led to the back of the building. Outside, golf carts with the Divine Wines logos were lined up. “These wines are her babies. Consider the vintage blends her favorite children. I requested a tasting and she prepared one for us with her most exclusive wines. She’s pulling out the big guns.” I stopped just beyond the door and turned to face Jhorie. “Because of you.”

“Why me?”

“I never ask for favors and this one involves a very beautiful woman who will soon be my wife.” I winked at her and dropped my hand to the small of her back, guiding Jhorie to the cart where our guide was waiting.

We set out for our tour of the property, moving slowly down the dirt and gravel trails making up the outer perimeter of the vineyards. We traveled parallel to a tree-lined path which exposed barren fields and didn’t provide much scenery.

Our visual was wooden posts lined with wire that connected them in neat patterns. During the season, they were overrun with green leafy vines, sagging from the weight of the plump grapes that were now crushed and sitting in wooden barrels. This time of year there wasn’t anything impressive to see, at least not out here.

My view, however, was quite nice. While we navigated, our guide explained the process of growing and harvesting the grapes. Jhorie seemed enthralled, hanging onto each word.Iwas enthralled, hanging onto each second that passed with her enjoyment of the moment.

Her wide expressive eyes, glossed lips, the curve of her jaw, and flutter of her lashes as she blinked at him, smiled, and gazed nostalgically at the fields we toured. I had very little of her attention but eventually she glanced my way, smiling softly.

“You’ve never done this before?” I asked, watching her closely.

“No, I like it.”