“Appease me and at least tell me you’re getting pussy.”

I shot my brother a look and he shrugged. “It’s necessary to keep your head level. You refused to cheat on your wife, which I understood even though you had every right to. After you two officially separated you still chose not to move on with your life. She was flaunting another man’s ring while carrying your name and you remained committed to bullshit vows. You’re divorced, Ez. Get some pussy, it’s long overdue.”

I didn’t need the reminder of how fucked up the last few years of my life had been. I’d lived it.

“Why don’t you worry about your life and I’ll worry about mine.”

“I don’t need to worry about my life. I’m very familiar with my wife’s pussy. No problems over here.”

I finished my drink and placed the glass back on the table separating us. “Unfortunately, I’m well aware since you keep reminding me of how happy you truly are. Let’s go. I need to sleep in my own bed tonight. If we leave now, I can.”

* * *

The next morning I walked into my office to find the last person I expected to see. Six months had passed since she’d last reached out. It was always about money. Since the day Elias married Cress, she had been forcing the issue of what she was owed more and more. After what I recently discovered, she would no longer gain my attention for those conversations.

“Who let you in here?” I stopped in front of my mother who waited for me in the lobby on the eighth floor of the family corporation. She had no access to the back offices but the lobby, where the receptionist would be in the next half hour, wasn’t locked.

“What is this?” She bolted to her feet and waved a set of papers in my direction. It was too damn early and I had a lot on my mind so I wasn’t in the mood forher.

“I haven’t the faintest idea. Tell me, then you can get the fuck out of my office.”

She reared her head back as if offended. Imagine me offending her. I had every right because she had offended me and my siblings since the day the universe played the cruel joke of placing us into her care. Or lack thereof.

“You know exactly what this is. This…” She fanned the papers in front of my face once more. “Has your name written all over it.”


“You’ve exceeded your allowance, for the rest of the year. You will—”

“Allowance. I’m not a child and this ismymoney. You have no right to deny me access.”

“Okay, so we’re doing this,” I uttered with annoyance. My hands moved into the pockets of my slacks and I angled my head to the side, staring at my mother. This deranged lunatic, who assumed I cared about her feelings on any matter at all, much less my money. “Those were business accounts you never should have had access to. You no longer have access. End of story.”

“Your father—”

“Handed everything over to me. Unfortunately, I missed those accounts. An error I have since rectified. Since he passed, you’ve spent six point eight million dollars that did not belong to you. It belonged to the Omari Corporation of which you are not a member or associated.”

“I am his wife. Anything he has is mine,” she hissed through clenched teeth. I only smiled and shrugged.

“Youwerehis wife. He’s dead. He managed those accounts before he passed and now they’re mine. You no longer have access to that money. You willnotspend one penny ofmymoney that is not provided to you. Your allowance is a quarter of a million a year. What you do with that money and how you spend it is on you,Mother. The amount I give you is very generous considering you don’t deserve one cent of the earnings this family has worked hard for.”

“You’re insane. I am thefamily. It’s just as much mine as anyone else’s. He was my husband.”

“Family, you are not, Mother. You lost the privilege when you fucked over my brother for the last time. The day of his wedding, no less. Now get the fuck out of my office.”

“Are you serious right now? This is abouthim?” The venom and hate on her tongue for her own son was sickening. Not surprising but still disheartening.

“Why wouldn’t it be? He’s my brother. I love him. I will stand for and by him even if you won’t.”

“He’s a gotdamn lunatic. Damaged goods. Did he put you up to this? Is he still upset because I won’t cater to his insanity?”

I tensed at her reference and the look in my eyes had her rearing back cautiously. “No, he hasn’t given you a second thought since you tried to ruin his wedding. Elias has no idea about any of this because he doesn’t fucking care. You’re not relevant enough to register in his world butIcare. I fucking care more than I should and because I do, I’m making sure you understand just how irrelevant and powerless you are. You can expect your allowance to start over at the first of the year. The deposit will hit January first.”

“First of the year. You’re just as crazy as your brother. What am I supposed to do until then?”

“I don’t know and I don’t fucking care. You have three beautiful homes, all multi-million-dollar properties. You have a private jet and yacht at your disposal. All paid for. I think you’ll be fine. You need cash, sell some of that shit you’ve been wasting money on for the past couple of years. I hear vintage bags and clothing are in right now. You can get top dollar for a lot of your things.”

She seethed and I turned to walk away just as she yelled behind my back. “Fine, you want to punish me because ofhim, then expect me for dinner. It’s about time I get to know my grandchildren.”