“Yeah, seemed like the right thing to do. You were paying me, might as well do the work.”

“And what about McCants?”

McCants didn’t give a damn about Drew’s guys following through with the contacts, he’d only fucked with him to piss me off and get me to LA. I did, however, want to know Drew’s thoughts on the situation.

“Thought about that too. You do good business, Omari. Figured it might be best for me to pick a side I could trust and that ain’t McCants.”

I chuckled at the frustration in his tone. He was stuck between two forces that could hurt his pockets, but at least he bet on the right one.

“You’re a smart man, Drew. Don’t worry about McCants.”

“I hope you mean that because I have a lot of people depending on me. If you have any issues with my guys, let me know.”

“You have my word, I will.”

Once I ended the call with Drew, I got out of my car and headed to the reason I was here. She was standing in the center of the sidewalk with chaos moving around her. Guys dragging out debris of cabinets, sinks, and old furniture. She appeared at ease, other than the intense expression on her face. She had on a bright yellow hard hat, denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and matching jeans. Simple but incredibly sexy.

Before I could reach her, my path was cut off by a familiar face. “How’s it going out here?” I slipped my hands into my pockets and he frowned at me.

“They’re working us to death. You didn’t say it would be this hard. You should be paying us more than twenty an hour.” Gavin wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of a gloved hand. The thick leather construction gloves were already worn from the amount of work he was putting in.

I smirked and shrugged. “You should be grateful I didn’t call in a favor to have your ass thrown in jail for attempted robbery.”

He tensed and nodded stiffly before flashing a smile. “Yeah, that was good looking out. I’m grateful but I would be even more grateful if you wanted to throw in a little extra for my pain and suffering.”

I shook my head, looking around the site. “And you might want to get back to work before I change my mind about calling in that favor.”

“Yeah aight but I had to ask.” He sauntered off, tugging at his jeans and I made my way to Jhorie who watched as I approached.

“You’re not dressed appropriately to be out here.”

I stopped in front of her, lowering my head to steal a quick kiss, tapping the top of her hard hat after I pulled away.

“Apparently not but you are.”

“They made me wear it.”

“It’s a safety precaution but you’re not supposed to be out here. I’m guessing you gave them hell about that?”

When I called the office to see if Jhorie had lunch, I was informed she wasn’t in the office but instead here onsite.

“I told you I would be hands on.”

“More like in the way,” one of the guys walking by mumbled and I chuckled when Jhorie shot him a hard glare.

“You don’t want me out here?” She lifted her eyes to mine, waiting.

“You can be wherever you want to be, but you follow their rules. Safety first.”

“I will.”

I narrowed my eyes, locking them on hers. “I mean it.”

“I promise.”

“Good and you might want to bring this home with you.” I motioned to the hard hat. “I like this look on you, but I can see a few wardrobe adjustments.”

She rolled her eyes. “Are you into role play, Omari?”