“If you put your hands on her again, she will be the last woman you ever put your hands on and that is my fucking word.”


I turned to find him a few feet behind me, relaxed with his hands in his pockets like he hadn’t just threatened a man. My eyes shifted to Dre’thon who looked like his composure was seconds from snapping but he didn’t touch me. Only glared at the man who’d challenged him to try his luck.

“Jhorie, come here.”

Dre’thon and Ezekiel faced each other with me between them. I hesitated, briefly allowing my eyes to bounce between the two men.

“Jhorie…now. He’s not going to touch you. Come here.”

I didn’t know what the deal was between these two but if I had to trust either of them, it damn sure wasn’t Dre’thon. I turned and walked to Ezekiel who kissed my cheek and moved a few steps ahead of me. “You obviously didn’t understand your position after last night. She is no longer your concern.”

“This isn’t your city and she isn’t yourwife. You can’t make those types of decisions about her.”

The air grew thin. Ezekiel angled his head to the side and closed the space between him and Dre’thon before saying, “You have no clue what I decisions I have the power to make but you havesomeidea which is why you’re going to turn the fuck around and walk out of here.” The coldness in Ezekiel’s tone chilled the air.

Dre’thon laughed like he wasn’t moved but he was. He was nervous. In the four years I had known him I had never seen him back down from anyone. The man seeped pure arrogance from his entire being. “Yeah, aight. Ain’t shit worth me being here for anyway.”

Ezekiel turned, heading back to me. He smirked so confidently I was afraid he wasn’t going to let Dre’thon just walk away, but he did. Then my hand was in his and he guided us to the elevator.

“What made you come down here?”

“I needed to move our flight up. I texted, you didn’t respond, so I went to the restaurant to look for you and you weren’t there. They said you had just left so I came down here assuming you were saying goodbye to Malin.”

“What did he mean by I’m not your wife? That’s the second time someone made that reference. Is there some hidden message in that?”

His eyes assessed me. There was something dark there but I didn’t get a chance to find out because his phone rang with an incoming call. He removed the device from his pocket but kept his eyes on me. “We’ll talk about it later. I need to take this.”

He swiped to answer the call, rattling off his name and giving someone else his attention. I was left wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into with this man.



I had back to back calls from the time I dismissed Jhorie’s ex through the first hour of our flight. She sat across from me and spent most of her time on her phone. It appeared that she was reading something based on the way her expression shifted through multiple emotions.

I watched the entire time I talked and she sat quietly with her eyes glued to her phone. Occasionally she would lift her eyes to meet mine. Each time she would smile softly and drop her gaze as quickly as possible.

We needed to talk. After my last call, I locked my phone and tossed it in the empty seat next to me and trained my focus on her.

“What are you reading?”

Her brows pinched when her eyes shot across to mine. “Who says I’m reading?”

“Your face.”

Her brows inclined more and I clarified. “The way your expression shifts from light and amused to full on war but my favorite would be that intense stare like you’re trying to decide if you’re ready for what’s coming next.”

Her eyes rolled softly. “You think you have insight on my thoughts just from my expression.”

“I told you I’m very observant and because I am, I know there are several things we need to discuss before we land.”

She lowered her phone to her lap. “Why before we land?”

“Because you’re uncomfortable with the space we’re in right now and you need reassurance about what’s next.”

Our eyes clashed but her words were calm and even. “I’m going to my apartment and we’re getting back to work with delivering on the promises you made.”